Second issue from the Second Series of Anarchy, published in March 1971 and focusses on the Kronstadt Revolt, Russian Anarchism and the Bolsheviks.

- Why I Am An Anarchist - N Petrov
- Kronstadt: An Introduction - Paul Avrich
- The Anti-Climax: Concluding chapter from The Bolshevik Myth - Alexander Berkman
- The Kronstadt Revolt: Introducton from the 1942 edition
- The Kronstadt Revolt - Anton Ciliga
- Kronstadt notes at random - Peter Newell
- Review of Paul Avrich's book Kronstadt 1921 - Nicolas Walter
- The Revolutionary Moment: Observations on Anarchy #116 - Andrew Ritchie
- Triumph of the Spirit? Review of the film Fidel - Peter Neville
- Aspects of Anarchy 2: Emma Goldman - Terry M Perlin
- Memoirs of an Ancient Activist - Paul Goodman
- Manifesto from Sexpol - Wilhelm Reich
Anarchy No2 (seconde series).compressed.pdf
(11.13 MB)