Anarchy #29 1979

Illustration of a gravestone with the legend "here lies a world destroyed by profit and greed / plundered by many to serve a few / it could have been different"

1979 issue of Anarchy series 2 with articles on prisoners, animal liberation, feminism, healthcare crisis in New York City, the Levellers, etc.

Submitted by Fozzie on June 17, 2022

"The worst ever issue." - Phil Ruff.


  • Class War in Britain: A chronology of rebellion 1485-1979
  • Letters
  • Andy Bruce's statement to court
  • Animals & Anarchism
  • Posters
  • NYC Healthcare crisis
  • Poems
  • What is all this feminist shit?
  • Levellers, Diggers and Ranters
  • Resolution of the strategic direction - Brigate Rosse
  • Anarchism-Capitalism-Communism
  • Contacts

PDF courtesy of Sparrows Nest Archive, Nottingham.

