Occupation of Caen II university campus by anti-CPE students on 20th March 2006. Photos from http://collectifetucaen.free.fr/. Copied to clipboard France Anti-CPE protests universities occupations Comments
Many universities now occupied Rough translation of an article taken from French broadsheet Le Monde, summarising the situation as it stands across France [as of 8pm Friday].
Raspail Appeal from students occupying the EHESS This following text is a translation of the Raspail Appeal which students occupying the EHESS in Paris put out before being evicted.
Two weeks spent in Rennes A first-hand and in-depth account of events in Rennes - one of the most militant towns - by a participant in the anti-CPE movement.
Anti-CPE Movement: Nanterre university, Paris, 20th March 2006 Pepper spray attack by police on students and staff occupying Nanterre university on 20th March 2006…
France: 'La Lutte' continues? Demonstrations are planned for tomorrow as many universities maintain the pressure on the government, with some hoping for the extension of the struggle.
Yet more Universities occupied Le Figaro is tonight reporting figures that show that the movement of student occupations is continuing to grow ahead of tomorrows day of demonstrations.