Copied to clipboard Aufheben Issue #1. Contents listed below: Attachments Aufheben01.pdf (6.33 MB) Aufheben #1 Editorial LA '92: The context of a proletarian uprising EMUs in the class war Lessons From The Struggle Against The Gulf War Intakes: Some Critical Notes on Earth First! Review: Fascism / Anti-Fascism by Jean Barrot Book traversal links for Aufheben #01 (Autumn 1992) About Aufheben Up Aufheben #1 Editorial Printer-friendly version PDF Comments [issue resolved] [issue resolved]
Pioneers of anti-parliamentarism - Guy Aldred Guy Aldred's pamphlet on the pioneers of anti-parliamentarism, focusing on such figures as Mikhail Bakunin, Rosa Luxembourg, and Herman Gorter.
Crowbar #42 April 1985 (partial) Partial contents, including: Braisford Road squatted creche evicted, squatting news, occupation of South London Women's Hospital evicted,…
Virus #11 Issue of Virus magazine from late 1987 with articles about anarchism and community, Lenin and work and more.
CARII Bulletin #6 (1980) Newsletter from Committee Against Repression in Italy, with an update on the prosecution of Antonio Negri.
Anarchism: a solution to world problems A 1940 pamphlet published by Man!, an anarchist newspaper out of New York.
The Italian Inquisition In June 1982 the trial begins against the Italian workers' autonomy movement — a show-trial without precedent in post-War Europe. Here the…
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