Copied to clipboard Aufheben Issue #1. Contents listed below: Attachments Aufheben01.pdf (6.33 MB) Aufheben #1 Editorial LA '92: The context of a proletarian uprising EMUs in the class war Lessons From The Struggle Against The Gulf War Intakes: Some Critical Notes on Earth First! Review: Fascism / Anti-Fascism by Jean Barrot Book traversal links for Aufheben #01 (Autumn 1992) About Aufheben Up Aufheben #1 Editorial Printer-friendly version PDF Comments [issue resolved] [issue resolved]
1974-1975: The Portuguese Revolution A short history of the revolution in Portugal in which an army rebellion overthrew the fascist dictatorship.
Direct Action (SWF): Vol 2 #08 August 1962 Including: Committee of 100 "Against all bombs" leaflet, direct action against fascism by Ken Hawkes, Pat Kelly on clampdown on unofficial…
1945: The Saigon commune A brief account of a workers' and peasants' uprising in Vietnam following the end of World War II by Ngo Van Xuyet, one of the participants.
Yard Roots Archive of Yard Roots, a radical, anarchistically inclined political, cultural and health oriented newsletter produced during the 1980s.
The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 6 No. 48 - 21 February 1920) Including: the two Internationals, international and UK news, Gramsci and the Italian Socialist…
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