Copied to clipboard Aufheben Issue #4. Contents listed below: Attachments Aufheben04.pdf (9.67 MB) Kill or Chill - An analysis of the Opposition to the Criminal Justice Bill Decadence: The Theory of Decline or the Decline of Theory? Part 3 Review: Against His-story, Against Leviathan Book traversal links for Aufheben #04 (Summer 1995) Review: Carry on Recruiting Up Kill or Chill - An analysis of the Opposition to the Criminal Justice Bill Printer-friendly version PDF Comments
Negroes with guns - Robert F. Williams First published in 1962, Negroes with Guns is the story of a southern black community's struggle to arm itself in self-defense against the Ku…
An Ethiopian Anarchist Perspective on the War in Tigray An interview from The Final Straw Radio with Anner, an Ethiopian member of Horn Anarchists, an…
The Telekommunist Manifesto - Dmytri Kleiner A controversial pamphlet which criticises Creative Commons as a form of privatisation, proposing 'copyfarleft' in its place, and puts forward …
Do Or Die #1 1992 Debut issue of Do Or Die published circa 1992. Contents include EF! updates, direct action against logging, Derek Wall fingers green nazis, poetry, the environmental impact of the car, local…
The “Brand Mandela” steamtrain rolls on Tina Sizovuka on the ANC's promotion of Mandela into a personality cult, epitomised by the 'Randela' banknotes, to diffuse dissent and opposition…
Do Or Die #9 2001 9th issue of Do Or Die from 2001. 236 pages. Contents below. "Do or Die—Riding the Stannah stairlift of bitter experience to the granny flat of utter futility since 1992" PDF courtesy of the…