An online archive of covers (and some posters) of the British Anarchist newspaper Class War from the 1983-2017.
Taken from various online sources, including Anarcho covers on Facebook, a collection of Class War covers and posters on and the Sparrows Nest Archive.
Assistance with gaps, chronology etc would be welcome.
Libcom also hosts an online archive of Class War publications here.
Today's metro feels
Today's metro feels pleasingly like a classic Class War front cover, just needs a bit about have-a-go heroes or something:

Back in 2006 I remember
Back in 2006 I remember seeing a cover of Class War in a sociology text book, I believe it Fred Flintstone and his family and the tag line was "club together to beat the bosses" and a description that it was an Anarchist mag.
It proved pretty influential, before that my ideas of Anarchists were just extreme anti government individualists, that was my first clue that Anarchism might have something to say about capitalism.
Reddebrek wrote: Back in 2006
That cover's now been added - issue 64. :)
It is indeed the very same,
It is indeed the very same, glad to see it again, thanks Fozzie.
The spot the difference…
The spot the difference cover.
I took the photo of the dog turd for the cover.
I spent all day wandering the streets of Kilburn, looking for a good one to photograph.
That's wild Flybow! A good…
That's wild Flybow! A good reminder of the effort people had to put in, back in the day :-)
Literally, cut and paste,…
Literally, cut and paste, mate.
The better dead than wed one, was decided over a pint.
I'm on the chorus of the original 80s single, BTW.