Including: Workers' apathy, unemployment, nationalised transport industries, Australia elections, economics and imperialism, etc.
Including: Workers' apathy, unemployment, nationalised transport industries, Australia elections, economics and imperialism, etc.
Revolutionary workers in…
In the immediate aftermath of the greatest slaughter of the working class in human history, and faced by a horrific new tool of destruction unleashed on workers' centres by the bourgeoisie, it would be surprising, astounding, if the working class had been anything but apathetic about its historic revolutionary role. The apathy was long lived; not until the late Fifties did we summon our strength to again challenge the capitalist order.
In 1948, as in 1949, Not the AFB's finest hour, for sure.
Nagging people about apathy…
Nagging people about apathy on your front page isn't exactly a productive tactic either... here come the moany anarchists wagging their fingers at us...