Direct Action (SolFed) #39 2007

Anarcho-syndicalist magazine published by the Solidarity Federation. Articles on: European Union, NHS, hedge funds, railways, SolFed conference, etc.

Submitted by Fozzie on September 23, 2022


  • Happy 50th Birthday EU
  • Why does the scum always rise to the top?
  • The problem with Hedge Funds
  • Labouring under Delusions
  • No to the Labour Levy
  • Derailed: trains in crisis
  • Environmental
  • Labour REACH new depths
  • SolFed conference report
  • NHS: Rationing by Stealth
  • 57 Varieties: all unfit for consumption
  • Thatcherism Down Under
  • IWA solidarity with Colombian workers
  • Review
  • The cult of celebrity...
  • Contact Directory

