Direct Action (SolFed) #17 2000

A mock up of a poster for the Blair Witch Project horror film featuring the face of a ghoulish Tony Blair

Winter 2000 issue of this anarcho-syndicalist magazine, with a focus on New Labour.

Submitted by Fozzie on August 16, 2022

Ditch Blair Project: Contents

  • Compromising Positions: The Labour leadership defiantly embraces Thatcherite politics - despite what it says. So where did it all go wrong?
  • actions+comment: Lose the Levy; Surveillance Junkies. Child Care –French Lessons; Tighter than Tories?; Whistleblowers; Urgent action appeal: Support the CSL3!
  • international news: Netherlands, Canada, Colombia, South Africa, Czech Republic, India, Serbia, Greece, Euskal Herria, Brazil, Norway, Mexico.
  • Prague S26; Epilogue; the day Prague became the focal point of global action against capitalism. Plus; violent repression continues.
  • Corporate Killings: More than just a catchy label for the criminal promotion of profit over people. New Labour have pledged action, but don’t hold your breath.
  • Laboured Education: The Higher Education sector has been promised more money. Problem solved? Well, actually, it is not for education workers or students - it’s more for paying people to check up on them.
  • British Pride or Prejudice? The debate on Britishness bubbles away in the background, while the tabloids daub a hideous caricature. Meanwhile, beyond a wry smile at a lost empire, the world passes by...
  • notes+letters: Amazed and confused, Raging in Birmingham, Mad bastard alert, Karen Homing solidarity.
  • demandjustice: Zahid Mubarek - murdered by institutional racism. Plus: Karen Homing and Mark Barnsley update.
  • blairedvision reviews:
    Working Class First! – Jacob Pugh
    Anarchism, Marxism and the future of the Left – Murray Bookchin
    Reading Capital Politically - Harry Cleaver
    Casualisation Kills – Simon Jones Memorial Campaign
  • music reviews: Your Revolution/The Higher Standard - DJ Vadim
  • books and pamphlets reviews:
    The Prison Industrial Complex – Angela Davis
    The Trophy Is Democracy: Merseyside, Anti-fascism and the Spanish Civil War - Dave Auty
    You Can’t Win - Jack Black
    Anarchism - Daniel Guérin
    Death Blossoms - Mumia Abu Jamal
    Winstanley and the Diggers 1649-1999 - Bradstock
    A Cavalier History of Surrealism - Raoul Vaneigem
  • Off the Rails: The wheels are cracking on the Thatcherite bandwagon. Union-bashing, low taxes, cut down services, and privatisation have failed. The "loadsamoney" society and associated gross inequality, social dislocation, bent politicians, corrupt officialdom and fat cats are the reject legacy.
  • DA resources: SolFed info., forthcoming events, campaigns, actions, friends and neighbours.


DA-SF-IWA-17.pdf (9.48 MB)
