Direct Action (SolFed) #42 2008

Anarcho-syndicalist magazine published by the Solidarity Federation.

Submitted by Fozzie on September 29, 2022


  • Editorial: Them & Us - the class war and economic slowdown
  • Letters - respect / football fans bite back
  • With Friends like these - what we can do about unions failing to protect us
  • South London SF Act against Underpaying Restaurant
  • London Coalition Against Poverty
  • Tenant Privacy Breached / Education Workers
  • No Such Thing as Class? - poverty / education / health
  • War is Murder for Profit - Iraq, Afghanistan & the War on Terror
  • The First Casualty of War - Harry, the Media & Afghanistan
  • International - Colombia / Poland
  • The ‘May Days’- a turning point in the Spanish Revolution
  • International - Mexico / Iran
  • Unione Sindacale Italiana - interview with Italian anarcho-syndicalist
  • Reviews - beyond bullets / making a killing / the anarchist past / my revolutionary life / red mutiny
  • Anarchism, Sex & Freedom - a closer look at the fight against capitalism, patriarchy & repressive religious morality
  • Contacts Directory

