Eugene Pyziur's account of Bakunin's social and political thought. Copied to clipboard Attachments bakunin.pdf (6.87 MB) Mikhail Bakunin anarchism Eugene Pyziur PDF Comments
Power corrupts the best - Mikhail Bakunin 1867 text by Mikhail Bakunin examining how a theoretically ideal state would still become corrupted.
A Critique of State Socialism - Mikhail Bakunin and Richard Warren A comic book critique of state socialism, based on writings by Mikhail Bakunin with additional text…
A critique of the German social democratic program - Mikhail Bakunin Bakunin makes an early and powerful critique of the statist, reformist, class-collaborationist and…
The legacy of Bakunin - Paul Avrich Part of the series of biographies of Mikhail Bakunin. Essay by anarchist historian Paul Avrich on Bakunin.
Anarchism and Anti-Intellectualism in Russia - Paul Avrich Excellent article by historian Paul Avrich on anti-Intellectual tendencies in Russian anarchism
The political philosophy of Bakunin: scientific anarchism - G.P. Maximoff Part of the series of biographies of Mikhail Bakunin. From the scattered writings of Bakunin, G.P…