February 1980 LWG leaflet against military conscription. Copied to clipboard February 1980 LWG leaflet against Jimmy Carter's call to reintroduce the military conscription (the draft). Attachments United States anarcho-syndicalism New York Libertarian Workers Group Libertarian Workers Group Libertarian Workers Group (USA) Comments
"Rebellion in Patagonia" - Benefit for "On the Line" (1978) Flyer announcing film showing of Rebellion in Patagonia". A well attended benefit for the LWG…
Libertarian Workers Group Leaflets (Part 2) Additional 1980s leaflets issued by the New York/New Jersey Libertarian Workers Group (LWG)
On the line - Libertarian Workers Group/Workers Solidarity Alliance 'On the Line' was a agitational newsletter put out by the New York based Libertarian Workers Group,…
The Federation: A Libertarian Socialist Discussion Bulletin - # 1 (1975) In 1974 a small group of anarcho-syndicalists, libertarian socialists and anarchist-communists from…
We want freedom for all: a Jewish anarchist statement - Libertarian Workers Group This early 1980s statement was published by a number of youthful, 20-something, mostly Jewish born…