Postal workers in Paris' 17th arrondissement (district) have won a major victory against management cutbacks.

In addition to the dispute over payment for extra work during the election period, french posties are also threatened by the Facteurs d'avenir (Postmen of the future) plan.
In the 17th arrondissement this was to lead to 35 job losses and increased casualisation. Staff went on a 100% solid unlimited strike action and management quickly gave into their demands.
No changes to working hours, specifically no extra unsociable hours.
No loss of ARTT, these are days off that are scheduled to ensure workers do not exceed the 35-hour week.
A limit of 15 recorded delivery items on Saturdays.
Strike pay.
All temporary workers to be given permanent contracts.
No punishment for strikers, this includes the withdrawal of a potential prosecution of a union member.
An impressive victory and one which will encourage other postal workers.