Additional materials to the (forthcoming) volume 'Marxist essays on the theory of money' (edited by Daniel Gaido and Noa Rodman).

An earlier introduction listed some of the translated articles from Die Neue Zeit and gave other useful references. The volume includes also 5 articles from the journal Pod Znamenem Marksizma. It is best not to read the old version of the translations online. Same advice for Kautsky's 1913 brochure, which has been newly translated.
Uploads/links to additional materials: (Roughly sorted by language.)
In English:
Anonymous 1884, 'The extraction of gold', The Journal of science, and annals of astronomy, biology, geology, industrial arts, manufactures, and technology, 21: 416–23.
Levy, Gerald A. 1982, Goldproduction and inflation: A post-mortem on the debate in pre-world war one German-Austrian social democracy (seminar paper, pp. 45).
Letters of Laurat, Stone and Riazanov to Kautsky. From the International Institute of Social History (IISH), Karl Kautsky Papers.
Kautsky, Karl 1927, chapter seven (money) in Sozialdemokratische Bemerkungen zur Uebergangswirtschaft [Social-democratic remarks on the transition economy]. Translation of final one-third (pp. 140–56).
–– Geld, Schatzbildung (pp. 185–204) chapters in Die Materialistische Geschichtsauffassung Volume 2: Der Staat und die Entwicklung der Menschheit, Berlin: Dietz. Translation.
Hilferding, Rudolf 1936, 'Der Währungsfrieden. Der Weg zur Wiederherstellung der Goldwährung' [The Currency Peace. The Road to the Restoration of the Gold Currency], Neue Vorwärts, No. 173, 4 October.Translation.
Keller (Aleksandrov), Vladimir Borisovich 1925, 'Posledniy rudnik i stoimost' denezhnogo metalla' [Worst mine and the value of money metal], Vestnik Kommunisticheskoj Akademii (online), No. 11: 73–87. A rough translation into English.
Hitch, Marcus 1900, 'Karl Marx on money', International Socialist Review, 1 (1901): 29–47.
Stone, Nahum Isaac 1900, 'Karl Marx on the money question', International Socialist Review, 1: 263–74. Rejoinder by Hitch.
In German (mostly):
Bauer, Otto 1910, Die Teuerung. Eine Einführung in die Wirtschaftspolitik der Sozialdemokratie [The rise of prices: An introduction to the economic policy of social democracy], Wien: Ignaz Brand. Reprinted in Bauer, Werkausgabe, Wien, 1975, Bd. 1, 684–89.
Bernstein, Eduard 1912, 'Die moderne Finanz im Lichte der Marxschen Theorie' [Modern finance in light of Marxist theory], Archiv für Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik, 35: 217–30.
Braunthal, Alfred 1924, 'Kautsky als Geldtheoretiker' [Kautsky as money theorist], pp. 121–44 in Der lebendige Marxismus: Festgabe zum 70. Geburtstage von Karl Kautsky, ed. Otto Jenssen, Jena: Thüringer Verlagsanstalt.
Hilferding, Rudolf 1909a, 'Probleme der Bankpolitik' [Problems of central bank policy], Der Kampf (Vienna), 3, November: 75–84.
—— 1909b, 'Barzahlung und Banktrennung' [Cash payment and Bank separation], Der Kampf, 3, December: 126–34. (Translation of these will be included in the volume).
Justo, Juan B. 1912, Estudios sobre la moneda, Buenos Aires: La Vanguárdia.
Karski (Marchlewski), Julian B. 1911, 'Goldproduktion und Warenpreise', Leipziger Volkszeitung, 14 October (No. 239). (Newspaper online, for text see relevant dates: )
—— 1913a, 'Die kleinen Banknoten', Leipziger Volkszeitung, 25 January No. 20.
—— 1913b, Teuerung, Warenpreise und Goldproduktion, Dresden: Kaden.
—— 1913c, 'In eigener Sache (Polemik gegen Pannekoeks Kritik an der Broschüre: Teuerung, Warenpreise und Goldproduktion)', Leipziger Volkszeitung, 15 March.
—— 1913d, 'Erwiderung (Polemik gegen Pannekoek)', Leipziger Volkszeitung, 22 March.
Kautsky, Benedikt 1931, 'Goldwahrung oder Inflation', Der Kampf: sozialdemokratische Monatsschrift, Nr. 11, 482-91 (misses pp. 484-85 and 492-93).
Korsch, Karl 1924, 'Das Problem der Goldinflation in den Vereinigten Staaten', Die Internationale: Zeitschrift für Praxis und Theorie des Marxismus, 7, 23-24: 708–16. (Translation included in the volume.)
Ludwig, Eduard Alexander 1923, 'Gold, Geld, Papier. Eine Entgegnung auf die Geldtheorie Vargas', Die Internationale. Zeitschrift für Praxis und Theorie des Marxismus, 6, Nos. 11, 12, 13: 329–38, 339–44, 370–80. (Translation included in the volume.)
Pannekoek, Anton 1910, 'Het goud een bron van ellende', De Tribune, 3, No. 46, 13 August. (or in German here in the Arbeiter-Zeitung of 3 January 1911)
—— 1913, 'Zur Frage von Goldproduktion und Teuerung', Leipziger Volkszeitung, 22 March.
Varga, Eugen 1923, 'Zum Problem der Valutastabilisierung', Die Internationale: Zeitschrift für Praxis und Theorie des Marxismus, 6, Heft 5: 144–51.
(non-Marxist) Delpech, Henry 1936, 'Karl Marx, la circulation monétaire et la théorie antiquantitative', Annales du droit et des sciences sociales, 1936 (vol. 4), VI, p. 223-261.
In Russian:
Photo of Michalevskij:
Michalevskij, Faddej Ilich, 1937, Zoloto kak denezhnyj tovar [Gold as money commodity], Moscow: Sotsekgiz. (just a file with a review)
—— 1945, Zoloto v period mirovych vojn [Gold in the period of world wars], Moscow: Gospolitizdat. (pdf-file)
—— 1952, Zoloto v sisteme kapializma posle vtoroj mirovoj vojny [Gold in the system of capitalism after the second world war], Moscow: Izdatel'stvo Akademii nauk SSSR. (Just a partial table of contents in file)
Shmelev, K.F. and Shtern, A.B. (eds.), Den’gi i denezhnoe obrashchenie v osveshchenii marksizma: sbornik statei O. Bauera, E. Vargi, R. Gil’ferdinga, K. Kautskogo, i dr. [Money and money circulation in the assessment of Marxism: anthology of articles of O. Bauer, E. Varga, R. Hilferding, K. Kautsky and others], 1929 [1923], Institut ekonomicheskikh issledovanii, Moscow: Finansovo-ekonomicheskoe biuro N.K.F. Table of contents. (Special thanks go to G.F.)
Atlas, Zachary 1931a, 'K kritike sovremennogo revizionizma. (Protiv kautskianskej kritiki)' [Toward a critique of modern revisionism (Against Kautskyian critique)], Problemy ekonomiki, 3, No. 2: 49-74. Link.
– 1944, 'Russian endorses gold standard' [report on article in journal Bolshevik], The New York Times, 13 September, p. 9.
– and Matyukhin, Georgy 1971, 'Vsemirnie dengi: zoloto ili dollar?' [World money: gold or dollar?], Mirovaia ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia, No. 8: 96–108.
Broński, Mieczysław 1936, ‘Neopublikovannaja rabota Marksa o den’gach’ [Marx’s unpublished work on money (Grundrisse chapter)], Problemi ekonomiki, 8, No. 2: 156–67.
Leont’ev, Lev A. 1932, ‘K rukopisi Marksa’ [On Marx’s manuscript (first half of the money chapter in Grundrisse)], Pod znamenem marksizma, 11, No. 11–12: 41–62. Online (Leont'ev Russian translation in the same issue).
Finn-Enotaevsky, Aleksandr 1911, Sovremennoe khozjajstvo Rossii (1890–1910 g.g.) [Modern economy of Russia], S.-Petersburg: M.I. Semenova. Second edition (revised and expanded) 1925, Kapitalizm v Rossii (1890–1917 g.g.) [Capitalism in Russia], Moscow: Finansovoe izdatel'stvo NFK SSSR.
—— 1913, 'Sovremennyj kapitalizma' [Modern capitalism], Sovremennyj Mir, December: 114–47.
—— 1924, 'Valjutnyj paritet i platezhnyj balans (K kritike novejschej politicheskoj ekonomii)' [Currency parity and the balance of payments (Towards a critique of the latest political economy)], Novye idej v ekonomike, No. 7: 68–105.
(Special thanks to G.F.) Translated in volume.
—— 1927, 'Tsennost zolota i pokupatel'naja sila deneg' [The value of gold and the purchasing power of money], Sotsialisticheskoe khozjajstvo, 1: 79–88. Translated in volume.
Photo of Berkovsky:
Berkovsky, Bernard 1930, Ocherki po marksistkoj teorii deneg [Essays on the Marxist theory of money (preface F.I. Michalevskij)], Moscow: Gosudarstvennoe finansovoe izdatel'stvo sojuza ssr. Очерки по марксистской теории денег. М., 136 стр., Бернард Берковский.
(thanks to G.F.)
Table of contents:
Preface (by F.I. Michalevskij)
- From the author
- The value of money and the value of gold
- The theory of money of prof. I.A. Trachtenberg
- The banknote
- Ricardo's theory of money
- Cheque circulation and non-cash payments
- International exchange rates
- About some positions of the general theory of money A. Kon
- Anti-critique (about the book of H. Block, Die Marxsche Geldtheorie)
- About Franz Petry's observations on the money theory of Karl Marx.
—— 1930b: 'Protiv idealisticheskogo izvrashcheniya marksovoj teorii deneg' [Against idealist distortion of Marx's theory of money], Finansovye problemy planovogo khozjajstva, No. 7–8: 115–23. (Translation of this will be included in the volume)
—— 1930c: 'Kautskij, kak teoretik deneg (O stat'e togo zhe nazv. Alfreda Brauntalja)' [Kautsky, as money theorist (On the article of the same name of Alfred Braunthal)], Finansovye problemy planovogo khozjajstva, No. 10–11: 98–107. Каутский, как теоретик денег (О статье того же назв. Альфреда Браунталя) / Берковский Б. И. / Финансовые проблемы планового хозяйства.
Kapelusz (Kapeljusch), Fedor (Theodor) Davidovich 1925, Funt i dollar: Anglija i Amerika v bor'be za glavenstvo na mirovom denezhnom rynke [The pound and the dollar: Britain and the United States in struggle for domination on the world money market], Moscow, Ekonomicheskaja zhizn'. (Pdf)
B.E. Radzikovskij (1894—1955): 'Formulation of the problem of money in the transitional period'. Поставлення проблеми грошей в переходову епоху. Радзіківський Б. Є. (Радзиковський Борис Євгенович), Наукові записки Київського інституту народного господарства, 1927. Т. VIII, стр. 113–161.
Other materials:
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