A short film about Henri Simon (1922-2024) council communist, founder of Echanges et Mouvement, former member of Socialisme ou Barbarie and Informations et Correspondances Ouvrières.
Henri Simon, 95, spent the last 50 years participating, reading and writing about workers' struggles. His family, his friendships, his dreams, have been shaped by this political activity, constituting the everyday life of a full-time activist who yet has always denied himself any specific role in the unfolding of class struggle, staying true to the idea that any revolutionary change would have to be brought by the workers themselves.
Apparently Henri Simon died…
Apparently Henri Simon died recently at the great age of 102. This film is well worth a watch.
Damn, so said. I visited him…
Damn, so sad! After 102 years, a life well lived though.
I visited him a couple times in Paris, even staying with him in his tiny apartment around the corner from the Rue Amelot anarchist bookshop.
I learned so much, especially during our walks through the Marais and around Père-Lachaise.
Henri Simon, Rest in Power!