Partial online archive of a radical bulletin produced for hospital workers in Philadelphia, beginning in November 1970.

Issued by libertarian socialist hospital workers and initiated by Philadelphia Solidarity. It is unclear to this poster how many issues of the newsletter were actually issued.
Founding PS members were ex-DeLeonists who were part of a 1970s trend by some marxian socialists towards libertarian socialism. PS were solid comrades. They went on to form Wooden Shoe Books & Records in Philadelphia. PS maintained comradely relations with the British Solidarity Group.
The "Hospital Voice" very much captures the essence of "shop papers" of its day.
"This bulletin is produced through the cooperation of hospital and non-hospital workers under the name Philadelphia Solidarity.
Our aim is not to provide 'leadership' (we have too many 'leaders' already) but to help working people to organize themselves and their struggles against the bosses and the politicians. These politicians and bureaucrats, whether in a 'free enterprise', 'socialist', or 'communist' society, are always the same - the same who rule over the same who always work.
This bulletin is designed for all who work in the hospitals whether in the kitchens, in the wards, in the labs ...
It will succeed only if you make use of it to air your opinions, to express whatyou think and feel. If you disagree, let us hear from you too. We want the VOICE to be a forum for all the workers in the hospitals, not just a sounding board for our ideas."