Striking workers' reports from the picket line of the second day of the second week of industrial action at the Hunterston nuclear power plant.

Picket line again at roundabout on A78 (British Energy are not getting involved with our dispute yet again).
The boys again had to endure the ignorance of many employees crossing the picket, those who have no understanding at all at what we’re trying to achieve, those that are just harassed by their employers and those that just couldn’t care less about the way their fellow workmates are being treated. We need support from within, especially from fellow union members.
BE again decided to lend support to our cause by lending some hard working managerial staff to our picket line (although I don’t think they’ll see it that way, and anyway they were given short thrift by the police).
Support again was fantastic from delivery drivers, which should embarrass some others.
Depending on where you live I suppose, you’ll be aware of the horrendous weather endured by my fellow union members, however this did not dampen our spirits, which remained high throughout the day. It takes more than a little wind and rain to curb the determination of our cause.
As yet there has been no approach by our employers to settle this dispute.
I’m sure BE have influenced other terms and conditions of employment both north and south of the border with other contractors and their employees, but seem unwilling to do so with us. Those who have the power to influence should do so.
Although our dispute is primarily with BK the clients who have influenced the removal of our enhancement whether by design or inadvertently, must take some responsibility.
Again we retire after 9 hours of picket duty and feel that we again have shown our determination that what we are fighting for is a just and reasonable cause. (Contrary to what some believe we are not asking for an increase in wages, only a re-in- instatement of that which we have been paid for 30 years.)
A second report stated:
Again we were not allowed on to British Energy land by the British Energy manager.
The Amicus shop steward representing British Energy employees attended the official picket to wave and harass lorry drivers refusing to deliver their goods.
I have never in my 25 years in the industry seen so many amicus members cross an official amicus picket line. With guidance from a shop steward who seems to be under the control of the management, support from our British Energy brothers seems unlikely.
I hope they all sleep well.
Despite the uphill struggle we the Balfour Kilpatrick workforce are still united in our fight to get our money back. It’s been another long and very wet day in which we conducted ourselves in a strong and dignified manner.