Taxi drivers and truckers across Italy set up road blocks in a protests against record fuel prices, and government reforms to 'free up' their work sectors. More strikes are planned for the coming weeks and months across a variety of sectors.

Taxi drivers, supported by truckers, today went on strike across Italy in protest against rising fuel prices, and recent economic reforms.
Roads and highways across Italy were blockaded, causing severe disruption to the flow of traffic. There are currently 60 roadblocks in place around the country, and protestors have vowed to remain their till Friday.
There are several sectors of workers that the reforms are going to affect, including, taxi drivers, truckers, railway workers, petrol station workers, pharmacists, and lawyers. Many of whom have announced strike action in the coming weeks and months.
The reforms are about ‘deregulating’ protected sectors, in order to boost competition and the wider economy. The reforms were passed by the Italian cabinet late last week. The new reforms follow hot on the heels of a huge rise in fuel tax.
The taxi drivers have stated that they will continue with their strike action and blockades. The government have responded by saying that, “The blocking of motorways will not be tolerated”. The interior minister, Annamaria Canceillieri has suggested that, “strikers could face sanctions”