My thoughts on Jeremy Clarkson. Contains language that some may find slightly rude.

Jeremy Clarkson is a contemptible cunt. I had come to this conclusion long before his remarks about strikers yesterday, but now I hate him so much I felt physically sick whilst writing this.
Just in case you have not seen the footage, here is what he said when asked about the public sector strikes:
“Frankly, I’d have them all shot! I would take them outside and execute them in front of their families. I mean how dare they go on strike when they’ve got these gilt-edged pensions that are going to be guaranteed while the rest of us have to work for a living?!”
Work for a living? You must be having a laugh you horrible fucking bell end. Clarkson allegedly makes over £1 million a year from his shit fucking TV show and his ridiculous column in the Sun, and he calls that fucking work.
Presuming there is a public sector to work in I will retire at 70 after 46 years’ service, and a 55 year working life. I will have paid an absolute fortune in pension contributions, a lifetime of national insurance contributions for the state pension, and I will have paid into the public sector pension pot as an actual tax payer. So, for this ‘shit house’ to suggest I will not have worked for a living is disgusting. How has Clarkson made his money? Hosting a shit TV show with two racist goons, made ridiculous DVD’s of cars crashing, and writing for the Sun. Fucking hell, you have had it hard.
David Cameron, apparently a personal friend of Clarkson has said his remarks were “silly, but I am sure he didn’t mean them”. Really? What about the kids who post bullshit about rioting on Facebook and then imprisoned for years? Why should we take what he says less seriously?
Also, I am given to understand that Mr Clarkson has shotguns, so perhaps his views should be taken more seriously.
At least we can rely on the leader of the workers party to be spot on with his analysis. Miliband has called on Clarkson to “say sorry”.
You really are a fucking horrible waste of fucking space Clarkson. I would not give you the fucking steam off my piss!
At least Clarkson has the
At least Clarkson has the gall to say it, unlike Cameron and his cronies (who hide behind the pathetic doublespeak of "irresponsible and selfish").Tbf, I don't see why this is something to get upset about. I'd have Clarkson shot in front of his family, I think it's only fair for him to wish the same unto his class enemies.
UNISON wants the BBC to sack
UNISON wants the BBC to sack this bastard:
Hopefully JC's crap'll give
Hopefully JC's crap'll give food for thought for those that were neutral or striking for the first time, I mean Matt Baker (who I adore) and Alex Jones looked very displeased and they're by no means militants.
Edit: Alex Jones is growing on me, she's pretty good on Strictly...
Of course Matt Baker was
Of course Matt Baker was displeased, he is a class war hero. Remember when he asked Cam how he sleeps at night
When did he do that bro?
When did he do that bro?
Earlier this year I think it
Earlier this year I think it was.
EDIT: Beaten to it!
EDIT: Beaten to it!
Matt Baker is a
Matt Baker is a diamond.
Jezza is..Jezza, I dont know what you'd expect from him apart from anything rude, horrible nasty and obnoxious in the crudest way possible, he's always in the wrong and he knows it, so yeah nothing new to add really. I guess "wouldn't give him the steam off my piss" was good. :p
What I don't understand is
What I don't understand is that one of his comments, that positively incensed me, has been overlooked by the media.
Following an item about disabled servicemen he trampled all over these people by using them as an emotive vehicle to further push forward his inflammatory right wing views on the strikers.
This appalled me - does he consider that amputees and maimed soldiers have no opinions of their own or that they are incapable of having their own political opinions? Who is to say whether these men and women would find it acceptable that he used their plight for his own ends? Some of them may, heaven forbid Jeremy, actually support the strikers.
He disgusts me.
Clarkson needs one in the
Clarkson needs one in the head.
wojtek wrote: Brilliant.
Brilliant. Perfect answer to Clarkson's idiocy.
Seems to me like this was
Seems to me like this was Clarkson's way of reciprocating Anders Breivik's admiration for him.
This is Clarkson's
This is Clarkson's stock-in-trade, making sensationalist remarks to get a reaction. Looks like he got one.
Obviously Clarkson is a cunt
Obviously Clarkson is a cunt but I find it difficult to care about this.
If we start to actually threaten capitalism then their professional trolls and mouthbreathing apologists are going to be replaced by torturers and death squads, this stuff is completely meaningless and just water off a duck’s back to what we should expect when we become more successful.
spot on mate
spot on mate
Okay, who saw 'Have I Got
Okay, who saw 'Have I Got News for You?' tonight, where they played a clip from the programme?
What Clarkson said on the One Show was 'The strikes were brilliant, everyone stayed at home and I could drive really fast through London. As this is the BBC, we have to balance that. I thought it was a disgrace, they should all be shot...' etc.
So maybe, just maybe, this time it's fair to say that what he said was taken out of context.
slothjabber wrote: So maybe,
fuck it, string him up anyway. Still a cunt.
Arbeiten wrote: slothjabber
Expropriate his cars and make him watch them get put through car crushers one by one by gleeful revolutionary bin men. Then make him use a bicycle during brief surface visits from the saltmines
I gotta be honest, this seems
I gotta be honest, this seems like a pathetic self-perpetuating situation all round. Prentis' response was the protypical fulfilment of the humourless leftist wet blanket that Clarkson et al riff off of. What he should have done was call for Clarkson's execution, ffs.
The other point to be made here is that it's not long ago that two teens were sentenced to 4 years' imprisonment for an 'inciteful' Facebook group. Clarkson evens makes Choudary et al seem pretty tame in comparison.
Harrison wrote: Arbeiten
:lol: :lol: :lol:
spot on Harrison!
spot on Harrison!
slothjabber wrote: Okay, who
Yeah, he is a wanker, but what he said here was clearly joking and has been taken out of context. I say that as one of the strikers of course.
Still, as a general point it is pretty disgusting to have my pay and conditions as a public sector worker continuously cut while this tosser makes millions from public money.
True enough. In saying he was
True enough. In saying he was taken out of context I'm not trying to defend the fellah, I still think he's a massive shit. But there are better things to attack him over than a stupid comment that was aimed at the BBC rather than the strikers.