The Limits to Capital provides one of the best theoretical guides to the history and geography of capitalist development. Copied to clipboard Attachments The Limits to Capital.pdf (10.93 MB) capitalism David Harvey PDF Comments Interesting but see this Interesting but see this useful critique:
Interesting but see this Interesting but see this useful critique:
A companion to Marx's Capital - David Harvey “My aim is to get you to read a book by Karl Marx called Capital, Volume 1, and to read it on Marx’s own terms…”: David Harvey's reading guide to…
Open letter to Lenin - Sylvia Pankhurst An open letter from Sylvia Pankhurst to Lenin, which appeared as an article in the Vol. 9 No. 34 (4 November 1922) issue of the Workers'…
Capitalist realism - Mark Fisher It is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism. After 1989, capitalism has successfully presented itself as the only…
The myth of 1648: class, geopolitics, and the making of modern international relations - Benno Teschke This work presents a myth-busting account of how class conflict and economic…
The Alternative To Capitalism - Adam Buick and John Crump E-book by Adam Buick and John Crump on capitalism and its revolutionary alternative.
The historical cycle of the political rule of the bourgeoisie - Amadeo Bordiga In this article first published in Prometeo in 1947, Amadeo Bordiga examines the history of the…
Interesting but see this
Interesting but see this useful critique: