Moscow Anarchists Protest at South African Embassy

Moscow Anarchists Protest at the South African Embassy in Solidarity with AbM
Moscow Anarchists Protest at the South African Embassy in Solidarity with AbM

Today (10 July) a group of anarchists stages a protest at the South African embassy in Moscow. Their protest raised a number of issues related to the World Cup and, also, the repression of Abahlali baseMjondolo. The World Cup finishes on Sunday and the trial of 12 residents of the Kennedy Road settlement begins on Monday. The 12 were arrested after spontaneous resistance to a state backed attack on the movement was stopped by the police. Their arrest and the legal process afterwards have been highly politicised by the ANC and the state.

Self defence is no offence.

Submitted by red jack on July 10, 2010

This afternoon, about 13 hours, the South African Embassy in Moscow, a
small group of anarchists held an unauthorized picket in support of social
activists and residents of informal settlements in South Africa. Participants unfurled a banner "No to repression against activists in South Africa," had scattered leaflets in the open windows of the embassy and lit the fireworks. On the banner was the emblem of the movement represented "Abahlali baseMjondolo" ("Movement Shack Dwellers") - a powerful grass-roots protest movement of the poor in South Africa, which is subjected to repression.

Everyone managed to escape from the scene, and a banner left at the neck of
a perturbed police officer.

Text of leaflet:
No to repressions! STOP REPRESSIONS!!! No to repressions!!! STOP

We do this action in order to express solidarity with all oppressed people
in South Africa! Since the residents of informal settlements, are being
evicted in the transit camps «Blikkiesdorp», with informal traders, who
at the request of FIFA banned the trade during the World Cup in the tourist
areas. We express our solidarity with those whose voices are silenced and
silenced in the modern "democratic" South Africa - a movement "Abahlali
baseMjondolo" in Durban, which in September 2009 and underwent a planned
attack in the settlement, "Kennedy road".

We see how, after coming to power of the African National Congress, the
majority black population continues to live on the brink of
poverty.Deportations to concentration camps, the demolition of informal
settlements, forcing the poor as a class outside of the cities that are
intended elites should be a place of residence of the rich and the cradle
of their capital - that is what the ANC offers for their citizens who
fought for many years against apartheid and received in return a new
system of exploitation and oppression.

We want to remind the Government of South Africa that the whole world looks
up to you! As a long time ago, we express our protest, and his anger
policies of oppression and domination in the poorest residents of South

With Anarchists



14 years ago

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Submitted by S2W on July 14, 2010

Photos available here:

official reasoning for banning the picket was hilarious: "We may not allow interference to internal issues of other countries".

However unauthorised action was for sure more interesting and spectacular.