Issue 21: January 1988 from Copied to clipboard Attachments processedworld21proc.pdf (4.99 MB) Table of Contents My Nuclear Family Book traversal links for Processed World #21 The Man Who Loved Levittown by W.D. Wetherell Up Table of Contents Printer-friendly version family Processed World Comments
Women, the State, and the Family An essay by E. Moraletat examining the feminist movement in the context of women's relationship with the State and the bourgeois family.
The origin of the family, private property and the state - Frederick Engels Engels' 1884 book focusing on early human history, following the disintegration of the primitive community and the emergence of a class society based on private property. Engels looks into the origin and essence of the state, and concludes it is bound to wither away leaving a classless society.
Anarchy #30 1980 Including: riots (LA, Detroit, Southall, Bristol), two articles on motherhood by Charlotte Baggins, letters, prison struggles, full employment funnies cartoon, Electro Convulsive Therapy,…
The Line You Have Reached... Disconnect It! Lucius Cabins writes on the 22 day nationwide strike of 700,000 telecoms workers at AT&T in 1983.
A day in the life of employee #85292 A tale of toil by Hewlett-Packard manufacturing worker Jay Clemens in California, 1985.