Issue 28: Winter 1991 from Copied to clipboard Attachments processedworld28proc.pdf (6.52 MB) Table of Contents My Best Job SLEAZY RESEARCH TRICKS The Quest For Microwavable Pasta and Other Vital Needs Greenwashing Agricultural Biotechnology Bar raps We Don't Gotta Show You No Stinkin' Gene Screens! Temporary Coding Book traversal links for Processed World #28 Texas: Penury of Plenty Up Table of Contents Printer-friendly version science Processed World Comments
The Skylab 4 mutiny, 1973 A brief account of the 24-hour mutiny during the Skylab 4 mission in 1973/4 triggered by the astronauts' complaints of excessive workloads.
The spandrels of San Marco and the Panglossian paradigm: a critique of the adaptationist programme Gould and Lewontin's oft-cited paper criticising what they see as the over-reliance on adaptationist explanations of many biologists.
Technology, research, and the penetration of capital: the case of U.S. agriculture Economist Jean-Pierre Berlan and marxist geneticist Richard Lewontin reveal the politics and…
Darwinian Fundamentalism Paleontologist and science writer Stephen Jay Gould tackles 'ultra-Darwinism' in the first part of his response to Daniel C. Dennett's 'Darwin's…
Notes on the manifesto against labor - Jaime Semprun Jaime Semprun criticizes the Krisis Group's Manifesto Against Labor for clinging to what he refers to as the "obsolete" idea that the existing…