9th issue of Race Traitor: Surrealism special, Summer 1998.

Table of Contents
The Chicago Surrealist Group: Introduction
Surrealists on Whiteness, from 1925 to the Present
Franklin Rosemont: Surrealism - Revolution Against Whiteness
J. Allen Fees: Burning the Days
Dave Roediger: Plotting Against Eurocentrism
Pierre Mabille: The Marvelous Basis of a Free Society
Philip Lamantia: The Days Fall Asleep with Riddles
The Surrealist Group of Madrid: Beyond Anti-Racism
Penelope Rosemont: Nancy Cunard - "Thinking Sympathetically Black"
Nancy Cunard: "Does Anyone Know Any Negroes?" (1931)
Myrna Bell Rochester: René Crevel: Critic of White Patriarchy
René Crevel: The Black Woman in the Brothel (1931)
Surrealist Group of France: Murderous Humanitarianism (1932)
Ronnie Burk: Racist Clichés in the U.S.A.
Irene Plazewska: Dream Constellations
Paul Garon: Psychiatry's White Problem - Racism as Therapy
Eric Bragg: Miserabilism and the New Eugenics
Larry Romano: Oh Sisters of Haiti
Artur do Cruzeiro Seixas: My Escape to Africa
Franklin Rosemont: Jacques Vaché, One-Man War Against Whiteness
Joseph Jablonski: Lord Buckley
Ron Sakolsky: Harry Smith's American Dreamscape
Charles Radcliffe: Whitewashing the Blues
Daniel C. Boyer: Are You Crazy? Mental Illness & Whiteness
The Surrealist Movement in the U.S.: For Tyree Guyton
Hilary Booth: We're Sorry He's Not Sorry
Ronnie Burk: The Forecast Is Hot! Tracts of the Surrealist Movement in the U.S., 1966-1976, by Franklin Rosemont, Penelope Rosemont and Paul Garon
Dennis Brutus: Black on White: Black Writers on What it Means to Be White, edited by Dave Roediger
Tom Moon: Blues and the Poetic Spirit by Paul Garon
F. R.: Somewhere in Advance of Nowhere by Jayne Cortez
Dave Roediger: Yo' Mama's Disfunktional by Robin D. G. Kelley
Rachel Blackwell: The Story of Mary MacLane & Other Writings, edited by Penelope Rosemont
Warren Leming: From Bughouse Square to the Beat Generation: Selected Ravings of Slim Brundage, edited/introduced by Franklin Rosemont
Peter Lamborn Wilson: Paschal Beverly Randolph: A 19th2DCentury Black American Spiritualist, Rosicrucian and Sex Magician by John P. Deveney
F. R.: Bed of Sphinxes by Philip Lamantia
Victor Brauner, Ronnie Burk, Laura Corsigilia, Artur do Cruzeiro Seixas, Robert Green, Ted Joans, Ribitch, Marko Ristic, Franklin Rosemont, Penelope Rosemont, Joel Williams, Haifa Zangana