The Raven #41: Censorship and Social Control

Features a black and white cartoon by Arthur Moyse

A generally poor issue of the anarchist journal The Raven, published by Freedom Press in the year 2000. The article by Dave Cunliffe is especially terrible and is reproduced for reference purposes only.


  • Preface
  • Editorial
  • Public Information and Censorship: Does More Mean Worse? - Adrian Walker
  • Under Surveillance - Pat Arrowsmith
  • The Day the Circus Came to Town - John Moore
  • Give 'em the mouth - Arthur Moyse
  • Covering Ourselves from the Censor - Rufus Segar
  • Carnival Capers and Catholics - Mary Naylor
  • Access Denied - Frank Fisher
  • Crossed Lines - Lisa Forrell
  • Two of a Kind? - Harold Sculthorpe
  • An Anarchist Defence of Pornography - BAD Broadside no. 5
  • Insult and Injury, Ideas and Actions - BAD Broadside no. 10
  • Menwith, Information for them, not us
  • Censorship of Films and Television
  • An Authoritarian Feminist Virus - Dave Cunliffe
  • Censorship with the Anarchist Movement - Peter Good
  • Book Review: Censorship and Silencing - Harold Sculthorpe


TheRaven41.pdf (7.46 MB)
