At the rendezvous of victory - C.L.R. James

Published by Allison & Busby, 1984.

This was the third and final in a series of anthologies published during James’ lifetime by publishers Allison & Busby following The Future in the Present in 1977 and Spheres of Existence in 1980.

Submitted by UseValueNotExc… on December 23, 2020

Although out of print, these anthologies are worth seeking out as they encapsulate the breadth and depth of James’ political intellect, from the stories he wrote in his 20s through to his later writings written in his 70s an 80s.

Biographical Introduction
1. Revolution (1931)
2. The Star that Would Not Shine (1931)
3. ls This Worth a War? (1935)
4. The Revolution Abandoned (from World Revolution, 1937)
5. Discussions with Trotsky (1939)
6. On Marx’s Essays from the Economic-Philosophical Manuscripts (1947)
7. New Society: New People (from Facing Reality, 1958)
8. On Federation (1958-9)
9. The Battle for Survival (from Modem Politics, 1960)
10. A National Purpose for Caribbean Peoples (1964)
11. Black Sansculottes (1964)
12. Rastafari at Home and Abroad (1964)
13. Kanhai: A Study in Confidence (1966)
14. Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana (1966, 1972)
15. Black Studies and the Contemporary Student (1969)
16. The Old World and the New (1971)
17. Presence of Blacks in the Caribbean and its Impact on Culture (1975)
18. Towards the Seventh: The Pan-African Congress — Past, Present and Future (1976)
19. George Padmore: Black Marxist Revolutionary (1976)
20. Three Black Women Writers (1981)
21. Poland (1981)

