Issue 1 of the US libertarian marxist journal. Published June 1970. Copied to clipboard Attachments Root and Branch 1 Final.pdf (11.96 MB) Notes on the postal strike - Stanley Aronowitz and Jeremy Brecher Unfriendly skies - The air traffic controllers' sick-out, 1969 Manifesto - Ecology Action East Old left, new left, what's left? - Paul Mattick, Jr. Review: The American Working Class in Transition by Kim Moody - reviewed by Joel Stein Point of view: Solidarity Book traversal links for Root & Branch # 1 Statement from Root & Branch, 1978 Up Notes on the postal strike - Stanley Aronowitz and Jeremy Brecher Printer-friendly version Root & Branch Comments
Soviets and Factory Committees in the Russian Revolution - Peter Rachleff Peter Rachleff traces the development of the Factory Committees from early 1917 until the beginnings…
Notes on the postal strike - Stanley Aronowitz and Jeremy Brecher Root and Branch on the wildcat strike of US postal workers in 1970 and its implications.
A post-affluence critique - Jeremy Brecher Post-Scarcity Anarchism by Murray Bookchin (Ramparts Press, 1971) reviewed by Jeremy Brecher Root & Branch No. 4 (1973), pp. 7-22.
Jeremy Brecher recalls forty years with Tim Costello Jeremy Brecher's obituary of Tim Costello, who wrote for Root & Branch occasionally.
Revolution and Violence: A Few Reflections - ICO Article on the need for autonomous organizations by the ICO (Informations et correspondances ouvrières). Translated for Root & Branch #3 in 1971.
Introduction to Root & Branch: The Rise of the Workers' Movements (1975) - Jeremy Brecher Jeremy Brecher's Introduction to Root & Branch: The Rise of the Workers' Movements (1975), pp. 11-27.