Issue 1 of the US libertarian marxist journal. Published June 1970. Copied to clipboard Attachments Root and Branch 1 Final.pdf (11.96 MB) Notes on the postal strike - Stanley Aronowitz and Jeremy Brecher Unfriendly skies - The air traffic controllers' sick-out, 1969 Manifesto - Ecology Action East Old left, new left, what's left? - Paul Mattick, Jr. Review: The American Working Class in Transition by Kim Moody - reviewed by Joel Stein Point of view: Solidarity Book traversal links for Root & Branch # 1 Statement from Root & Branch, 1978 Up Notes on the postal strike - Stanley Aronowitz and Jeremy Brecher Printer-friendly version Root & Branch Comments
The mass strike in France May-June 1968 - ICO Text on the mass strike in France in 1968 written by Informations et Correspondance Ouvrieres (ICO) and published in English as Root & Branch…
The Seattle general strike of 1919 The detailed official history of the strike, in which the city was taken over by the workers, by the History Committee of the General Strike…
Italy: women in the Fiat factory The following article was written by a Turin collective working on the problems of women employed by Fiat. It was published in Lotta Continua,…
Strike!: A Review - Root & Branch Jeremy Brecher's Strike!, reviewed by Steven Sapolsky in Root & Branch No. 4, 1973
Chinese roads to state capitalism: Stalinism and Bukharinism in China's industrial revolution - Bill Russell From Root & Branch number 8 (1979)
What Kids Think - Marcia Butman Marcia Butman, a teacher at East Boston High, writes about what her students think about the Vietnam War, for the Red Pencil in March 1971…