Issue 5 of the libertarian socialist journal, published circa 1978. Copied to clipboard Attachments RootAndBranch5.pdf (14.83 MB) RootAndBranch5-OCR.pdf (11.91 MB) Common Perspectives and Introduction to Issue 5 - Root & Branch The Revolt Against Work, or Fight for the Right to be Lazy? - Charles Reeve The Weakening of the Work Ethic - Root & Branch Spain: Some Aspects of the New Workers’ Movement Three interviews: CNT and Mujeres Libres Manifesto [1977] Lotta Continua Interview with Paul Mattick A New Class Theory - Gary Roth Book traversal links for Root & Branch # 5 Other dimensions - Peter Rachleff Up Common Perspectives and Introduction to Issue 5 - Root & Branch Printer-friendly version United States Root & Branch Comments
Strike!: A Review - Root & Branch Jeremy Brecher's Strike!, reviewed by Steven Sapolsky in Root & Branch No. 4, 1973
Authority and democracy in the United States - Paul Mattick Paul Mattick shows that corresponding to the absence of a socialist movement in America is the…
A very great year? - Eve Smith Eve Smith discusses the aims and effectiveness of Nixon's economic policies on the working class in the America.
Old Left, New Left, What's Left? - Paul Mattick, Jr. Paul Mattick Jr. takes a look at the 'New Left' and student movement at the end of the 1960s. NB this is a longer version of the text that appeared in Root & Branch #1.
Unfriendly skies - The air traffic controllers' sick-out, 1969 Short article about the 1969 mass calling-in sick strike of air traffic controllers in the US over…