Issue 18 of libertarian communist journal Subversion, from mid-1996. Copied to clipboard Attachments subversion-18.pdf (2.48 MB) What we stand for - Subversion Gridlock 1: Voices From the M27 Corridor Miserable worker Spain 1936, the end of anarchist syndicalism? - Subversion Wildcats in the post Employment service strikes Solidarity, good and bad! Book traversal links for Subversion #18 The city, social control and the local state Up What we stand for - Subversion Printer-friendly version Subversion PDF Comments
Ireland, nationalism and imperialism, the myths exploded, 1972-1992 - Subversion Written before the Good Friday Agreement at a time when the 'armed struggle' was still part of daily…
Subversion #13 Issue of Subversion from late 1993 with articles about the unions, teachers' struggles, the Timex dispute, Bosnia, prisoners and more.
Subversion #23 Issue 23 of the Manchester-based libertarian communist journal, Subversion. This issue focuses on class composition, with discussions about job centre workers and more.
Labouring in vain: a critical history of the Labour Party An excellent of the foundation and development of the Labour Party and how it has acted in power and…
Subversion #3 Issue of libertarian/council communist journal Subversion from around August 1990 with articles about Mandela and the ANC, council workers' struggles and the struggles of workers in East…
Subversion #15 Issue of Subversion from 1994 with articles about the Labour Party, South Africa, racism, unions against the workers and more.