Online archive of this post-situationist/psychogeographical journal published from 1995-2001. Five issues were published. Author Fabian Tompsett Alastair Bonnett Copied to clipboard Transgressions #1 (1995) Transgressions #2/3 (1996) Transgressions #4 (1998) Transgressions #5 (2001) Book traversal links for Transgressions: A Journal of Urban Exploration Transgressions #1 (1995) Printer-friendly version publications Comments
Critique of Economic Policy - Asger Jorn Originally appeared in a series called "Rapports presentes a l'Internationale Situationniste". Translated by Fabian Tompsett and taken from…
On the line - Libertarian Workers Group/Workers Solidarity Alliance 'On the Line' was a agitational newsletter put out by the New York based Libertarian Workers Group,…
Shift magazine Archive of Shift magazine, a radical journal published in Manchester from 2007-2012, subtitled "against austerity and social control".
Solidarity for workers' full control - Solidarity (South London) Partial archive of Solidarity for workers' full control, later renamed Solidarity for workers' power…
The East End Eye Online archive of The East End Eye, the voice of Glasgow Games Monitor 2014, a group of residents, activists and campaigners who are concerned about the effects of the regeneration in the…
Sic: international journal for communisation Online archive of Sic, a journal about communisation produced jointly by Endnotes in the UK/US, Blaumachen in Greece, Théorie Communiste in…