Today information has appeared from Krasnoyarsk about the detention of two supporters of anarcho-communist views, who were allegedly planned to set fire to the military enlistment office in protest against the war in Ukraine and supposedly committed in July a robbery with a weapon. A criminal case was opened against them under the article on robbery with illegal entry into a dwelling (Part 3, Art. 162 of the Criminal Code of the RF). As was stated by cops, they threatened the owner of the flat with a knife and a pistol and stole his belongings. A criminal case in connection with the arson planning has not yet been reported. OVD-Info from the words of the same source also writes that Vinogradov and Ivanov drew anti-war graffiti in Krasnoyarsk.
According to а former Russian anarchist emigrant in Europe, Vinogradov and Ivanov came to the home of a former antifa who went over to the boneheads, and took away his clothes with anti-fascist symbols. At the same time, he says that guys did it without weapons. This "Nazi-antifa" with a speaking surname Akabov complained to the cops about this visit, and the security forces considered this episode a robbery.
On the next photos - Danila together with Ilya and the things found during the search. There is no firearm:

"Of course, I can't know whether there were robberies or not, and if there were, who was robbed. But knowing the specifics of street anti-fascism and that's all, under the loud word "robbery" in such cases it usually means that the anti-fascists took off some kind of Nazi belongings or something like that from some Nazi. Well, as a trophy, so that he would not continue to demonstrate Nazi garbage to others.
According to the Criminal Code, of course, this is a robbery too. But in the minds of ordinary people, "robbery" is a street gop-stop of random passers-by, an unequivocal evil. But in reality, it turns out quite differently.
And else, if the loud word "robbery" in this case means this, then it also means that the Nazis, after meeting with anti-fascists, went to the police and wrote a statement, like real white warriors. However, as usual, the Nazis and the police are one coalition, so to speak.
However, in this particular case, I don't know any facts. This is so, reasoning on the topic based on some experience."
Black Book of Capitalism adds about this case: "The security forces in Krasnoyarsk generally like to receive stars on shoulder straps at the expense of ours - a couple of weeks ago they raided the house of our subscriber, communist Ekaterina Fatyanova and her elderly comrade, seized equipment and tried to get information with the help of provocation". According to their interlocutors, no robbery took place and was not planned - everyone characterizes the detainees as calm and adequate comrades.
UPD. Some more details from the same channel:
Ilya and Danila were in a youth company, which also included a girl Camilla and a cruster Levko N.V. (calls himself Akabov). This person behaved inappropriately, drank, used drugs, set up Camilla against Ilya and Danila, rolled up scandals in public places. He quarreled with Camilla because he lied to her, and even took her pepper spray, but the trouble is that some of her things were left at his house.
Camilla went to pick up these things with her friends - Ilya, Danila and Denis, who were all the same in that direction. While the girl was picking up things, the guys were talking quite peacefully in the hallway, no one took out weapons or used force. Then Levko complained that he did not want to be in the punk movement because of problems with the police, so he was asked to return the clothes with symbols, which he did.
Apparently, Levko harbored a grudge and went to the cops, where he tearfully told how he was robbed. Therefore, a criminal case was opened against the guys under the article "Robbery", and they decided to drag the intent to set fire to the military comissariat along with this.

"Freedom to Krasnoyarsk anti-fascists" in the town of Angarsk (Irkutsk region). You can try to donate for legal aid to them via this Alpha Bank account if it is available in your country
We are monitoring the situation further.
See more about repressions against Russian anarchists and left-wing activists in the context of the sabotage to stop the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
Also you may be interested in this story about the torching of the police lieutenant colonel's car in Kharkov after he was caught harboring thieves.