
Hein is a spokesperson for Burmese Atheists which is a humanist organisation founded by libertarian socialists and anarchists in 2015.
He also is one of the founders of Libertarian Marxism Myanmar which is a platform that advocates anarchism and the libertarian aspects of Marxism.

Sheffield Action Group (SHAG) are a queer youth-led direct action group operating in Sheffield, UK, largely targeting the universities in that city.

Providing analysis and criticism (mostly criticism).

The libcom account for Yangon Anarchist Association

Anarchist blogging. This is an extension of my main blog:

SJZC = “世界之窗”。这个历史文库的宗旨在于,收集世界各地各个年代阶级斗争经验的中文报告和分析,希望有助于今日华语世界无产者的行动自学。欢迎投稿:sjzc [at]