The Organizer - Twin Cities IWW

Archive of issues of The Organizer, the regular newsletter of the Twin Cities IWW branch.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on April 28, 2011



13 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Nate on May 16, 2011

Earlier issues online here -

The Organizer # 18

August 2009 PDF of the Twin Cities IWW branch's newsletter.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on November 6, 2011

One Day in July Festival a Success
A description of the celebration and rememberenace of the 1934 Teamster's strike in Minneapolis.
Page 1

Editorial staff addition John O’Reilly details recent changes to the functioning of The Organizer.
Page 2

Always Low Wages
A dual-card Wobbly gives perspective on UFCW union organizing at Wal- Mart.
Page 3

AT&T Workers Still Without Contract
An AT&T worker gives an update from the inside on negotiations between the telecom giant and CWA.
Page 3

What Next?
A Wobbly comments on shortcomings of “typical” activist organizations and poses questions for future organizing.
Page 4

Organizing Tips
Anxious to start firing your boss? Get tips from Wobblies organizing in their work places.
Part 4


The Organizer # 19

The Organizer # 19
The Organizer # 19

September 2009 PDF of the Twin Cities IWW branch's newsletter.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on May 7, 2011

Starbucks Barista Unjustly Fired, Demands Justice
Page 1

No Shortcuts in the Class Struggle
John O’Reilly discusses why the hard work of organizing is not avoidable, but the core of the union.
Page 2

2nd Anniversary of UMN AFSCME Strike
Annie Nonomus on the intervening period at the University of Minnesota since 2007’s AFSCME strike
Page 3

Members’ Corner
This month, Nate Holdren explains the General Executive Board (GEB) of the union.
Page 4

Value and Alienation
In the first of a series of economic articles, Erik Davis discusses the bases on which the working class fights.
Page 4

Cambodian Unions
Cambodian unions face more challenges
Page 5

Upcoming Events
What is happening in the Twin Cities’ Fighting Union.
Page 6



13 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on May 8, 2011

Thanks for posting these - just a quick point about the "publications" tag, that is just for whole archives of publications, so it is correct to tag the parent article of "the organiser" as a publication, but not child pages, if you see what I mean.

Juan Conatz

13 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Juan Conatz on May 9, 2011

Did not know that!

The Organizer # 20

The Organizer # 20
The Organizer #20

November 2009 PDF of the Twin Cities IWW branch's newsletter.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on April 29, 2011

New IWW Office,Meeting Space
Steady Growth Spurs IWW To Open Space in NE Minneapolis
Page 1

Another local victory against Starbucks
Fired worker Aizze Mebrahtu gains another victory in her struggle against Starbucks.
Page 2

Workers confront Neo-Nazis in Minnesota
The IWW and other community organizations ally to confront the National Socialist Movement in Minneapolis and Austin.
Page 3

Maquiladora Workers Speaking Tour in St. Paul
The Coalition for Justice in the Maquiladoras visited St. Paul on their recent, IWW-sponsored speaking tour.
Page 4

Organization at the University of Minnesota
Reflections on the need and possibilities for worker organization at the University
Page 4

Upcoming Events
Our local calendar of public events
Page 6


The Organizer # 21

The Organizer # 21
The Organizer # 21

December 2009 PDF of the Twin Cities IWW branch's quarterly newsletter.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on April 29, 2011

Fired, after 10 YEARS Probation
Page 1

Red November, Black November Fall Feast Great Fun; No Surprise.
Page 1

Members Corner
O’Reilly schools us on how to pay our dues
Page 3

Organizing Tip
Holdren talks up the practice of ‘Charting’ your workplace
Page 3

“Eyes on the Fries”
A public meeting focused on organizing the fast food industry.
Page 3

Largest IWW training event to date held in Twin Cities
Aaron Kocher reports on the recent “Training For Trainers” event
Page 5

Wobblies learn how to party
Space Opening Party deemed a success
Page 6

Upcoming Events
Our local calendar of public events
Page 6


The Organizer # 24

The Organizer # 24
The Organizer # 24

September 2010 PDF of the Twin Cities IWW branch's newsletter.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on May 1, 2011


Jimmy John’s Workers Form Union, Demand an End to “Wages So Low You’ll Freak”
Page 1

Editor Angel Gardner shares her thoughts on organizing the restaurant and service industry..
Page 2

Why Organize Sandwich Shops?
Jimmy John’s worker speaks out about work conditions and organizing..
Page 3

Starbucks Baristas in Omaha Unite
Starbucks Workers Union continues to grow nationally as Omaha baristas walk off the job.
Pages 3-4

Lessons From the Shopfloor: Solidarity Against Sexism
Direct action strategies for fighting sexism and sexual harassment in your workplace.
Pages 4-5

Economic Suicide in the Service Industry
Explores the causes and effects of the recent boom of low-wage service jobs in today’s economy.
Page 5


The Organizer # 25

The Organizer # 25

PDF of the November/December 2009 issue of the Twin Cities IWW branch's newsletter.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on May 1, 2011


Jimmy John’s Workers Union--- Here to Stay!
Page 1

Election is Only a Beginning
JJWU Fellow Worker reflects on moving forward after the election..
Page 2

Starbucks Workers Union Wins Recognition of MLK Jr. Day
After three years of actions for MLK Jr. Day, Starbucks Workers Union wins their demand!
Page 3-4

Do You Really Want to Overthrow Capitalism?
FW Nate H. addresses a frequently asked question regarding the IWW preamble and gives his
take on the moral wrongs of capitalism.

Pages 4-5

Why I’m a Wobbly
A dual-carder describes what drew him in to the IWW and why he’s sticking with the union.
Pages 5-6

Getting Schooled: Or How I Tried to Get a “Real Job”
First of a three part series about a fellow worker’s struggles as first generation college student.
Pages 6-8


The Organizer # 26

PDF of Twin Cities IWW branch's quarterly newsletter.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on April 28, 2011


Anti-Union Bills
A look at legislative attacks on workers’ rights across the U.S.
Page 3 -4

Why we haven’t lost the fight for General Strike
Page 2

Member’s Corner
Dues: what they are and why we pay them
Page 4

May Day
International Worker’s day, past and present
Page 5-6

Jimmy John’s Workers Union
Get the full scoop on the organizing campaign
Page 6-7

Twin Cities Work People’s College
Bringing an old IWW education tool to a new office
Page 8



13 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Ed on April 28, 2011

Cheers for putting this up! Was a good read, and the Jimmy John's sandwich by healthy/sick worker graphic put a cheeky grin on my face.. ;)

Chilli Sauce

13 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Chilli Sauce on April 28, 2011

Up the TC!