12 April: Unis split over strikes as CPE replacement passes through lower house

A quick round-up of news from Wednesday 12 April, including toll-free trains, sorting office blockade and the future of the university occupations.

Submitted by alibi on April 13, 2006

-the law that will replace the CPE pass by lower house, Reuters report that "Chirac's ruling Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) party used their majority in the lower house to force through legislation that will replace the job contract with new measures offering employers cash incentives to hire young workers. It was adopted by 151 votes for to 93 against. The upper house is due to rubber-stamp the move on Thursday, consigning the disputed First Job Contract (CPE) to history."

-a free toll system is set up in two stations of the subway of Toulouse, organized by several dozen students

-students and high-school pupils against the law on the equal opportunity block the sorting office of Limoges

-Besancon University: blocking raised faculty of law but maintained in science and 'letters'

-French Communist Party linked daily newspaper L'Humanite launches an online petition for the amnesty of the arrested anti-CPE young people

-students vore fore the continuation of blockingat the University Paul Sabatier (Toulouse 2)

-the students of the university of Caen voted for the ending of blockages, the University of Perpignan also choose to resume their courses.

-University of Rouen: blocking to continue until May 2nd. At 14h00 nearly 800 students and staff met in the Axelrad lecture theatre of the FAC of 'letters' of Mount-St-Aignan (Rouen) and decided to renew the movement of strike and blocking until Tuesday May 2nd. Tomorrow night a demonstration in the streets of Rouen is planned. It will meet at 21h00 in the town centre.

-Bordeaux 3 "remains mobilised against precariousness". Today, despite the holidays, a thousand students met in a general assembly at the University montaigne de Bordeaux and voted for the continuation of the blocking of the FAC (more than 300 votes against blocking and more than 500 for).

The students demanded "the abrogation of the law of equality opportunity and of the CNE as well as the re-enlisting of the state in the university and the amnesty of the people who fought against the current system and for a future better since last year".

Meanwhile, we understand that the University of Rennes II has voted to recontinue the blockade. An assembly general of 7,000-8,000 students was said to have been 60-70% in favour of blockading.



18 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Anonymous on October 9, 2006

Comandante Gringo
April 13th, 2006 | 12:50 pm

The struggle isn’t over, is it? It’s only just begun — and not just in France (no matter the many naysayers). _Now_ we shall find out the limits of the thinking of those who were only prepared for a short-duration, symbolic struggle, with only limited objectives. The government _still_ intends to dictate the course of events, as hopefully more people realize by now. So this is what must be removed from them: any pretense of initiative in taking away the rights of workers, under whatever cover.

Now is not the time for complacency. At the very least there must be an amnesty for the arrested. But there really must be much, much more.