Violent police attack on students in Turkey

Police violently attacked to the students in Turkey who wanted to protest the summit of Prime Minister and University Rectors. One pregnant student (age 19) lost her baby because police continuously kicked her from the belly even though she yelled she was pregnant.

Submitted by mikail firtinaci on December 6, 2010

Police violently attacked to the students in Turkey who wanted to protest the summit of Prime Minister and University Rectors. One pregnant student (age 19) lost her baby because police continuously kicked her from the belly even though she yelled that she was pregnant. Around 150 students who were coming outside of Istanbul were stopped at the entrance of the city and attacked, beaten and detented by the cops. Many were severely injured. It is claimed even in the right-wing bourgeois media that police used agent orange sprays against the students which was also used by USA army in Vietnam that can cause cancer.

Here are some videos;


mikail firtinaci

14 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by mikail firtinaci on December 9, 2010

After the incident majority of the turkish media is blaming the victims. This is a caricature showing how far the right wing media is going;

This is a picture from a right wing islamist paper. The picture is about the woman who was pregnant and who lost her child because of police violence in the student demo. This so called "caricature" is not an exception. Since two days media is attacking the students with full rage, claiming "they went too far" just for attempting to protest in a non-violent way.


14 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Samotnaf on December 9, 2010

How is the media and the internet in Turkey controlled? i.e. which is state controlled, which is private, how much can be said, how much does overt state censorship operate? Perhaps all this is too much to ask, because it probably involves a long answer, so if you don't have the time, if there's anything in English or French you can point me to, please do.

mikail firtinaci

14 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by mikail firtinaci on December 10, 2010

I don't think that I understood what you really ask. Mainstream media is basically controlled by big capitalist holdings. There is also leftist press -a lot of ML, trotskist, maoist etc organisations exist and they have about 20-30 monthly-weekly papers-magazines (I quess). There is a constant repression on them of course. Internet is relatively free - how can they ban internet access!-. but they are trying of course. Even youtube was banned till recently.

If you explain your question a bit further I can try to give a better answer


14 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by bootsy on December 11, 2010

Sam I'm currently Istanbul and can testify that libcom is designated as pornography and banned on some of the computers I've used here. Not by the state as such but by internet censorship software which installed in internet cafes and hostels.

Submitted by Devrim on December 11, 2010


Sam I'm currently Istanbul and can testify that libcom is designated as pornography and banned on some of the computers I've used here. Not by the state as such but by internet censorship software which installed in internet cafes and hostels.

Some sites are blocked by the state. If you try to access one you will get a white screen which says this in big red letters:

Bu siteye erişim mahkeme kararıyla engellenmiştir.

Try this link if you want to see what it looks like.
