Social activists were kidnapped by cops in Minsk, Belarus

Submitted by S2W on September 4, 2010

Today (3-rd of September 2010) at morning our friends and comrades were
kidnapped by police. Six people are missing. We manage to get know about
their kidnapping only several hours later from their neighbors which said
that unknown people in police uniform took away everybody situating the
apartment. Fate of these people is still unknown this moment. Nobody responds
to cell telephone calls. Any attempts to get know something about their
location in Minsk police departments give no result, cause cops deny any
involvement in this event. Apartment of another not detained activist is kept
under observation by police patrol, and these cops don’t disclose the reasons
for their presence.

All these people are social activists, participating in various social
movements aimed at protecting human rights, workers rights and freedom of
access to information. We believe these abductions are directly related to
the season of “elections” in Belarus, because every time they take place,
there is increased repressions of social activists by authorities. They tries
to isolate people from access to any unwanted information that way.

We belive it is kidnapping, because there is no information about the fates of
people and reasons for their detention still. Such actions are a serious
violation of the rights and freedoms of every person. We urge all
unindifferent people to help in finding our comrades, and in media coverage
of this incident. If you have information on the case or can somehow help us
write to antiatombel AT riseup DOT net.

It’s obvious for us that the trigger for repression was the incident near the
Russian Embassy in Minsk, occurred on August 30. A pressrelease of previously
unknown anonymous group of anarchists, declared publicly its responsibility
for the attack, followed in two days, gave the secret services a convenient
excuse for the actions of intimidation.

UPDATE at 23:35: Location of the detainees is still unknown. However, it was
reported that phones, computers and various literature were confiscated from
them. And police is in search of 5 activists.

Keep track of updates.

Friends and comrades of kidnapped.




14 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by S2W on September 4, 2010

This release is unfortunately very vague and unclear. Just to clarify, it is
about arrests of anarchists in Minsk after Russian embassy in Minsk was
attack with Molotov cocktails.


14 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by akai on September 4, 2010

I know from an update that more people are detained.

But I think that, for issues of clarity, we should stress that these arrests were linked to the action in Minsk, which was the state's pretext for what are probably random arrests.

It might also be pointed out that this action was claimed as solidarity with the arrested after the Khimki protests, but those people had asked that no such actions be made since they did not want any more pretexts for repression against others.

Let's see how it develops; I hope there is not another long case.


14 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by S2W on September 4, 2010

Exactly speaking that was not the reason why Khimki arrested wanted people to refrain from bombings, arsons and such. The reason is that such actions may be used in court against them, in Russia it is legal and usual practice to use such vague "usual characteristics of a movement" as arguments in court.

This of course does not mean that I 100% support their approach, I just think it makes sense to be clear about it.


14 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by MT on September 4, 2010

is there anything NOT to agree with concerning their approach 100%?!


14 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by akai on September 4, 2010

It seems that such an approach is in fact being actively encouraged amongst some tendencies of anarchists, the costs of this are significant, the "benefits" not clear.

I won't get into it; my assumption here is that a lot of people reading this forum see the point.


14 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by S2W on September 5, 2010

Release forgets to mention, that this was claimed as a solidarity action for
Khimki arrested.


For two days six detainees are under arrest in connection with the
attack on the embassy of Russia.

Sept. 3 about 6 o’clock in the morning seven non-government activists
were arrested by law enforcement bodies of Belarus. Six of them are held
38 hours in custody in the detention center of Minsk. The detainees were
interrogated about their involvement in the pelting Molotov cocktails at
the embassy of Russia in Minsk. Young people jointly rent an apartment
in one district of Minsk. At 6-20 am a doorbell rang , one of the young
men opened the door and law enforcement officers in civilian clothes
immediately burst in the apartment.

All were present at the time in the apartment were taken to GUBOP
Interior Ministry for questioning, the apartment was searched, five
computers, two laptops, mobile phones, money, posters and magazines were
confiscated. One of the detainees had been interrogated as a witness in
a criminal case of an attack on the embassy of Russia and released about
19 hours. Another six people – Bogachek Igor, Khotina Valeria, Slusar
Serge, Dedok Nicholas, Zhingerovsky Alexei and Franzkevich Alexander –
are still in the detention center of Minsk in the street Okrestsin.
Relatives and friends are not able to contact them. The maximum period
of detention without charge in Belarus is 72 hours.

September 4, another activist was detained, his apartment was also
searched. After the interrogation the detainee was released.

Still unknown the location of missing Anton Kalenkovich.

Additional Information:

info about first day you can find there:


14 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by S2W on November 18, 2010

The call to the international days of united actions in support of Belarussian
anarchists in December

In connection with the situation with repression of anarchists and social
activists getting worse we – anarchists, friends and relatives of repressed
ones – are calling you to take part in Days of Solidarity with Belarussan
Anarchists on the 10-13ths of December 2010. We consider that only
international protests against repressions of independent activists trying to
change things in Belarus for the better are able to make Lukashenko give the
go-ahead to stop mass arrests and to close political cases of Dziadok,  
Frantskievich and Vetkin.

In October the actions against repressions of anarchist and leftist activists
took place in Austria, Belarus, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Serbia
and Ukraine. Thank you for your solidarity! The actions supported both hearts
of locked up Mikalaj  Dziadok and  Aliaksandar Frantskievich and encouraged
repressed activists.

Mikalaj  Dziadok and  Aliaksandar Frantskievich were charged with the article
339 paragraph 2 of Criminal Codex of Belarus (“hooliganism”,up to 6 years of
arrest). Mikalaj’s arrest is extended up to the 6th of February (totally 5
months of detention). Alexander arrest is prolonged for one more month at the
moment. It is clear that the investigation is about to do their best to
sentence the accused long.

Maxim Vetkin was arrested on the 4th of November. He is now at the detention
center on Volodarskogo st. He is accused of the same article as the other
arrested guys – “Hooliganism”, article 339 paragraph 2 of Belarussian
Criminal Codex. Due to high level of secrecy and limitation of lawyers
jurisdiction we don’t have more information for now.

Mikalaj  Dziadok is blamed for the organization of an anti-militarist
demonstration when a smoke bomb was thrown to the enclosed territory of
General Staff. The video of the action:

The theory of the investigation is that Aliaksandar Frantskievich was shooting
on camera the symbolic attack on the police station in Soligorsk, when one
window was broken. The room didn’t get trespassed.
We are sure the cases of Dziadok and Frantskievich and Vetkin are
politicized – the danger of charges does not correspond the incidents.

As we have found out Belarussian secret services work side by side with
Russian ones supposing that there is a single whole “extremist” network.
Investigators frighten friends of the accused trying to make them slander
Dziadok and Frantskievich and to recruit them for working as agents in the

Amotivational arrests and interrogations of the anarchists and social
activists continue. Our comrade Sergei Slyusar spent 10 days under detention
without any charges after a solidarity action in Bobruisk where the KGB
building had been pelted by unknown persons with Molotov cocktails. Sergei
was arrested only because he was an anarchist and had the misfortune to live
in Bobruisk. A musician and professional architect Anton Novikov was arrested
for 3 days on the 27th of October. It is impossible to ascertain how many
people exactly went through pressure by specs but the number of them already
exceeded 50 in seven cities in Belarus.

Two more our comrades are forced to hide from Belarussian secret service We
believe the activity of special forces will only increase in appearance of
president elections in Republic of Belarus dated on the 19th of December –
they’ve got to gain favor with chiefs for the next star on shoulder straps.

1. On days of the united actions carry out impressive actions in your cities
during official political and cultural events linked to Belarus as well as
near embassies and consulates of Republic of Belarus, demand the meetings
with official representatives and give them petitions. Any Belarussian
companies, goods and events are good targets for an action;

2. Involve local human rights advocates for bringing up the problem about
prosecutions in Belarus;

3. Demand publishing the information on the situation in Belarus in mass

You can also send a letter of solidarity to the arrested by mailing us, and
then we will forward in to the guys.

Or mail directly to the detention center:
Prizon N8, ul.Sovetskaya, 22-a, Zhodino, Minskaya oblast, Belarus, 222160,
Dziadok  Mikalaj  Aleksandrovich
SIZO-1, room 46, ul.Volodarskogo, 2, Minsk, Belarus, 220050, Frantskievich

Anarchist Black Cross Belarus, friends and relatives of the arrested.

More on topic:



14 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by S2W on November 18, 2010

some news coverage here in Belarussian and Russian languages, nothing too interesting though:


14 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by S2W on November 26, 2010

Anarchy 21

Belaurssian pamhplet "Anarchy 21" (currently only available in Russian
language) is was originally published by group "Revolutionary Action" in its
website ( ). Texts is controversial - in
particular, the offered illegal way  was apparently premature in Belarussian
context, as the recent defeat of the movement there proves - in fact, it is
possible that the proposed path is much more viable in the Russian
semi-democratic than Belarussian semi-totalitarian  conditions. But,
nevertheless, there is a significant development from times of the
early "Militant-anarchism, (as this tendency described itself), which was,
essentially just  a fight club for lads. "n the text, there  are no pointless
tirades against rest of the movement  (except for a brief and unnecessary
comment against the "subculture"), in general it is with a very solid text.
After reading the texts of pompous North American "insurrecitonalists",
filled with ridiculous jargon, or the Greek claims, which are not much more
than hot air, it is indeed a joy to read  asimple and clear introduction to
the the subject matter, "insurrectionalist anarchism" in our neighboring

Pamhplet is attached here:



14 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by S2W on December 16, 2010

Rundown of actions in solidarity for Belarusian anarchists 10th-13th of

10th-13th of December were international days of solidarity with repressed
Belarusian anarchists and social activists. Actions took place in 13 cities
of six countries. In upcoming days, there will be discussions and fundraising
in three more cities of Poland and Belarus.
Currently there are four persons in Belarusian prisons, who are accused of
having taken part to various political actions between September 2009 and
September 2010. All of these actions were announced by officials
as "hooliganism", to be prosecuted according to Belarusian criminal codex.
Thus, voicing ones political position is still considered a crime in Belarus.
Mikalaj Dziadok and Aliaksandr Frantskevich have already spent more than
three months in a prison, Ihar Alinevich was kidnapped from Moscow to Belarus
28th of November in a common operation of Belarussian and Russian police and
secret services, bypassing the legal extradition procedures.


11th of December a banner was hanged from Rumlyovski bridge, with a
text “Freedom to arrested anarchists!”. This bridge is one of the main
carriageways to unite two parts of the city, plenty of public and private
transport is using it.

11th of December there was a small Samba action of Food not Bombs to support
anarchist prisoners. Group “Rhytms of resistance” performed in one of the
city squares and distributed leaflets about repressions against anarchists.
12th of December a group of anarchists organised a solidarity action in metro
station “Nemiga”, hanging a banner “Free anarchists Dziadok, Frantskevich,
Vetkin, Alinevich”, and also anarchist Red and Black flag.

13th of December group “Antiauthoritarian action for free society” organised a
solidarity picket at the embassy of Belarus in Sofia. Participators of the
picked had banner “Freedom to Belarusian anarchists! Down with the
dictatorship! In Bulgarian language, and they scanned slogans in Bulgarian
and Russians - “Solidarity is our weapon against the power!”, “Rise the black
flag higher, state is the main enemy!”, “Down with all power!”, “Our
fatherland is the whole humanity!”.

10th of December anarchists of Omsk organised an un-sanctioned demonstration
in main street of the city in solidarity with Belarusian anarchist political
prisoners Maksim Vetkin, Mikalaj Dziadok, Aliaksandr Frantskevich and Ihar
Alinevich. Participators distributed leaflets, burned flares and
scanned “Belarus is a concentration camp – Lukashenko is new Hitler!”, “Today
it is them, tomorrow it is you”, “Let the lads go!”, “Freedom to political
prisoners!” and had banners “Freedom to prisoners of a fascist regime”
and “Lukashenko, let the lads go”. There were no arrests.


10th December as a protest agains state terror of Lukashenko regime, walls of
the houses in neighbourhood of the consul of Belarus in St. Petersburg were
painted with stencils, with demands to free the prisoners. 11th and 12th of
December St. Petersburg Food Not Bombs organised a solidarity action for
Belarus political prisoners. Activists distributed free warm food and
distributed leaflets on the situation in Belarus, and also unrolled a
banner “Freedom to Belarusian anarchists!”. Although action was not
sanctioned by authorities, there were no police provocations.

In Moscow, there were actions both 11th and 12th of December, with demands to
free imprisoned anarchists. 11th of December 40 people gathered in front of
the Embassy of Belarus with banner “Stop repressions against Mikalaj Dziadok,
Aliksandr Frantskevich, Maksim Vetkin and Ihar Alineich!”. A performance with
four persons in prisoner suits, were walking hands behind their backs as ina
prison yard. Next day, there was an unsanctioned demonstration, which
bypassed embassy of Belarus,  with around 30 participators on Maroseyka
street. Colon burned flares and shouted “Freedomto Belarusian
anarchists”, “Luka is scum, free anarchists!” and others.

12 декабря в Иркутске инициатива «Еда вместо бомб» провела акцию в знак
солидарности с заключенными анархистами Беларуси. Участники инициативы
бесплатно кормили бездомных горячим вегетарианским супом, а рядом с местом
акции они расположили баннер "Свободу белорусским активистам!". В ходе акции
прохожим раздавались листовки. Акция прошла успешно, несмотря на сильный
мороз. Накануне объемные трафареты с призывами освободить белорусских
анархистов украсили подземные переходы Иркутска.

12th of December in Irkutsk local Food Not Bombs organised a solidarity action
for imprisoned anarchists Belarus. Activists distributed vegetarian food to
homeless, hanged a banner “Freedom to Belarusian activists” and distributed
leaflets. Action was succesfull despite very cold weather. The previous night
underpasses of Irkutsk were decoraed with stencils, with demands to free
Belarusian anarchists.


12th of December anarchists of Volgograd organised a solidarity march for
arrested Belarusian anarchists. Slogans “Freedom, equality,
brotherhood”, “Freedom to people, death to empires”, “Freedom to Belarusian
anarchists!”, “We hate pigs!” and “A.C.A.B!” were scanned. Police was
following the march, but did not took any measures to arrest anyone.


According to mainstream news, 14th of December anti-fascist activist threw a
paint bomb to embassy of Belarus in Smolesk. He was arrested and sentenced to
14 days of imprisonement.

11th of December RKAS (Revolutionary Confederation of Anarcho-Syndicalists of
N.I. Makhno) and unorganised anarchists from various cities of Ukraine and
Russia had a solidarity action for illegally arrested Belarusian social
activists and anarchists. Protesters organised a performance, which described
state of freedom of speech, freedom of press and human rights in Belarus
under Lukashenko regime. “President”, a person with a mask of yelling
Lukashenko was observing young “prisoners” with hoods over their heads and
strangleholds around their necks. Picketeers attempted to pass an appeal to
embassy, but security refused and proposed to send it by mail. Ukrainian
secret service SBU was filming the action, but there were no police excesses.
Anti-fascist movement “Sotsialni Opir” joined the solidarity actions 11th of
December. A solidarity graffiti for repressed activists was painted to one of
the walls of the city.

11th of December, the day of the human rights, a picked with theme “Freedom to
Belarusian anarchists” was organised by local sections of RKAS and SAU (Union
of Anarchists of Ukraine).  Picket took place in memorial of victims of
Golodomor and political repressions in Theater square, and it was attended by
10 persons.
13th of December members of RKAS, Autonomous Action and unaligned anarchists
hanged a banner to railway bridge over Leninski prospekt, with a
slogan “Freedom to anarchists of Belarus”. Thus Ukrainian anarchists showed
their solidarity with repressed Belarusian activists. Video of the action is
available here:

10th of December a picket was organised outside consul of Russian federation.
Participators were solidarising both with Russian anti-fascists, repressed
after action at the Khimki city administration in July, and Belarusian
anarchists repressed for their political activities. A declaration of support
was read. Action was organised by local section of the Anarchist Black Cross.

Czech Republic
Anarchists of Prague organised a solidarity action at the Belarusian embassy.
Protesters held banner “Freedom to social activists” in Russian and English
languages. A letter of protest, demanding immediate release of arrested
anarchists, was passed to embassy, and it was promised that embassy will face
problems unless demands are fulfilled.

Besides these actions, in upcoming days ABC-Belarus will organise a solidarity
evening for imprisoned anarchists, in Cracow of Poland there will be a
discussion with theme “Free Belarus?”, and in Warsaw there will be a concert
were donations will be gathered for imprisoned anarchists of Belarus.  

Reports are gathered from Indymedia, and other activist websites.

Prison addresses for imprisoned:

Дедку Николаю Александровичу, тюрьма №8, ул. Советская 22а, 222160, Жодино,
Минская обл., Беларусь

same in latin letters:
Mikalaj Dziadok, Tyurma N. 8, ul. Sovetskaya 22a, 222160 Zhodino, Minskaya
oblast, Belarus

Францкевичу Александру, к.46, СИЗО-1, ул. Володарского, 2, 220050 г.  Минск,

same in Latin letters:

Aliaksandr Frantskevich, k. 46 SIZO-1, ul. Volodarskogo 2, 220050 Minsk,

Веткину Максиму Ивановичу, СИЗО-1, ул. Володарского, 2, 220050 Минск, Беларусь

same in Latin letters:

Maksim Vetkin, SIZO-1, ul. Volodarskogo 2, 220050 Minsk, Belarus

Олиневичу Игорю Владимировичу, а/я 8, Главпочтамт, 22050 Минск, Беларусь

same in Latin letters:
Ihar Alinevich, c/o P.O. Box 8, Glavpochtampt, 220050 Minsk, Belarus

(For photos, check source at


14 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by S2W on February 14, 2011

Short update of the recent repressions against anarchists in Belarus

As of right now four Belarussian anarchists are under arrest, accused of
having organised a series of direct actions 2009-2010.

Everything started long before this past September(2010). The years
were rich in radical actions claimed by Belarusian anarchists. Such as:

*an illegal anti-militarist demonstration in Septeber 2009 against a
Russian-Belarusian war exercise, when a Joint Staff was attacked with
a smoke

* an attack on a Minsk casino using paint bulbs and flares in protest of
the relocation of most Russian casinos to Belarus after the law banning
casinos in Russia was passed.

* an attack on a police station in Soligorsk during the days of common
action against the police (windows were broken and a flare was thrown

* an attack on the Headquarters of the Trade Union Federation on the 1st
with the statement that the state and this formal organisation uses
in its interests, and doesn't defend their rights, often preventing
from cooperating with each other and organizing strikes.

* an attack on a branch of Belarusbank as a protest against the financial
system in the world (molotov-cocktails)

and finally

* an attack on the Russian embassy in Minsk as a solidarity action with
Khimki arrestees on the 30th August 2010 where a car belonging to the
embassy was burnt.

This was the last drop for the regime as the attack was carried out in
a period of harsh antagonism between the leaders of Russia and
Belarus. Before the action was claimed by anarchists each country had
already blamed the other one for having maneuvered the provocation.

On August 3rd 8 people in 3 different flats were detained and 7 of them
were put in a detention center for 9 days. During this period another
radical action took place

* an attack on the detention center with the statement to set free all
detainees. The attackers set fire to a door of the detention centre.
Later the video is removed from youtube.

After 9 days 5 of the 7 people are set free, but other people are
detained in the meantime. One of them, Aliaksandr Frantskevich, is
accused of
the attack on the police station in Soligorsk. He admits that he was
filming the event. The other guy, Mikalaj Dziadok, is kept in the
detention facility for different reasons till September 24, when he is
accused of organising last year's anti-militarist action. In the
meantime they also find witnesses who claim that he also organised an
attack on the casino and the House of Trade Unions. All episodes
mentioned above are now united under one case. Mikalaj denies his guilt.

* In October the KGB quarters in Bobrujsk are attacked with molotov

They take a guy who lives in the neighbourhood, Sergej Sliusar, and
keep him for 10 days without accusations. (He had also been detained for 9
days in September)

On the 4th of November Maxim Vetkin is arrested and accused of an attack
on the
Russian embassy and on Belarusbank. He admits his guilt and says that he
was participating also in the attack on the bank. He is also giving
testimony against other people, so we have withdrawn support from him.

On the 17th of November Denis Bystrik is detained, where he is told that
gave testimony that he was filming the action at the Russian embassy. He
admits his fault but is set free without accusations so that he can
contact one of the other suspects, Ihar Alinevich, and have him
detained, but eventually the plot is not successful.

On the 29th of November Ihar Alinevich is detained in Moscow, when
trying to
meet his comrade Anton Laptenok (one of those detained on September
3rd). He
is accused of an attack on the Russian embassy and is held in the KGB
remand prison. Ihar admits that he was participating in the anti-
action, but doesn't consider it a criminal act. He denies all other

On the 17th of January Jauhen Vasilevich, a journalist from the
newspaper "Bobruiski courier," a nationalist democrat without
connections to the anarchist movement, is detained and accused of the
attack on the KGB headquarters in Bobruisk.

The period of investigation for all of the arrested is prolonged till April

All of them may face up to 6 years of imprisonment. The case with the
bank could mean up to 10 years. It appears that they are also accused
of “intentional destruction of property committed by an organised group
(7-12 years of imprisonment).” According to the law, in such a case,
the organiser gets no less than 3/4 of
the maximum sentence.

Addresses of prisoners for support:
Mikalaj Dziadok, Tyurma SIZO-1, ul. Volodarskogo 2, 220050 Minsk,
Belarus (New address!!)

Aliaksandr Frantskevich, k. 46 SIZO-1, ul. Volodarskogo 2, 220050 Minsk,

Ihar Alinevich, c/o P.O. Box 8, Glavpochtampt, 220050 Minsk, Belarus

List of prisoners in former Soviet Union we support:


Previous news on the topic:

Forwarded by Anarchist Black Cross of Moscow

Anarchist Black Cross Moscow
abc-msk A riseup D net
P.O. Box 13 109028 Moscow Russia


13 years 9 months ago

In reply to by

Submitted by S2W on May 29, 2011

Belarusian anarchists sentenced - up to 8 years of hard regime, evidence

On the 27th of May, judge Zhanna Khvoynitskaya sentenced the Belarusian
anarchists Ihar Alinevich, Mikalaj Dziadok, Aliaksandar Frantskievich,
Maxim Vetkin and Yeveni Slivonchik. The young men were accused of a
number of political actions, amongst which was the attack against the
Russian embassy in Minsk in August of 2010.

Ihar Alinevich was accused of attacks against the Russian Embassy and
Belarusbank ("Property destruction with intent", statute 218 paragraph 3
of the Belarusian Criminal Codex), an attack against the remand prison
of Minsk (also statute 218, paragraph 2), an attack against a Casino and
an illegal demonstration at the military headquarters ("Aggravated
hooliganism", statute 339 paragraph 2 of Belarusian criminal codex). The
prosecutor asked for a 9 year sentence in hard regime, eventually he
received 8 years of hard regime (1).

Mikalaj Dziadok was sentenced for actions against a Casino, the military
headquarters and a yellow(2), state-controlled trade union, all
considered "aggravated hooliganism". The prosecutor demanded a 6 year
sentence of hard regime, he received 4.5 years of hard regime.

Aliaksandr Frantskievich was sentenced for actions against
state-controlled trade union, military headquarters and a police station
at Soligorsk, all considered "aggravated hooliganism", and also against
defacing website of city of Novopolotsk ("Electronic sabotage", "Illegal
access to electronic information", "Development, using or spreading
malware" (statute 349 paragraph 2, statute 351 paragraph 2, statute 354
of Belarusian criminal codex). Prosecutor demanded a 5 year sentence,
eventually he received 3 years of hard regime. Screenshots of the
action are available here:

Maxim Vetkin was sentenced for the actions taken at the BelarusBank and
the Russian Embassy in Minsk. He has been cooperating with the
investigation and giving testimony against the others. He was given a 4
year sentence in a low-security prison according to the prosecutor's
demands. He has been temporarily released.

Yevgeni Silivonchik was sentenced to 1.5 years in open regime prison for
the attack in Soligorsk. He has also cooperating with the investigation
and giving testimony against the other accused.

The accused have to compensate 100 million Belarusian rubles (around 20
000 dollars) in criminal damages to the respective institutions.

Alinevich, Dziadok and Frantskievich have been denying their
involvement, with the exception of the action at the military
headquarters. They are considering appealing their sentences, but the
appeal court may hand out even more severe sentences. The Strasbourg
court is not an option for the Belarusians, as Belarus is excluded from
the Council of Europe.

Valentina Alinevich, mother of Ihar, said "Yesterday someone else's
children were arrested, and we thought it was not our problem. Today
they arrest our children. Tomorrow they will arrest someone else's
children. People, be aware! Do not let it happen!". She also noted the
role of Russian Federation in the case of Ihar: "Russia accepted the
kidnapping of a person on its territory. It is an outrageous violation
of human rights, which took place in compliance with the Russian
authorities." Keep in mind, that on the 28th of November Ihar Alinevich
was kidnapped from Moscow by agents of an unconfirmed special service,
and illegally transferred across state borders to the remand prison of
the Belarusian KGB in Minsk.

Aliaksandr Dziadok, the father of Mikalaj and an experienced lawyer, who
has also worked as a judge, made the following statement to the press:
"There were plenty of violations during the court process. The
prosecution's case was not proven. The sentence is unjust and illegal.
An objective, law-abiding court would have dropped all charges against
the accused". Aliaksandr Dziadok made a comparison between the case
against the anarchists, and the case brought against those arrested
after the 19th of December (court cases against the latter, who
protested against the falsification of the general elections, which have
attracted sizeable international attention).

Anarchist Black Cross of Belarus considers the sentences politically
motivated, and the charges unproven. Besides this, all of the actions
for which the accused were sentenced, may be considered non-violent. No
living being was hurt as a consequence of the actions. Most of the
attacks were merely symbolical, and material damage was insignificant.

Reports from each day of the court are available on Belarussian
Indymedia and at

"Defying the law", a documentary on the investigation and the court
cases against the Belarusian anarchists is available here:
A version with English subtitles will be available in few days.

1. hard regime means less allowances in terms of visits, mails, and
packages and other "privileges"

2. yellow unions reject class struggle, oppose strikes and favor the
collaboration between capital and labor

Anarchist Black Cross Belarus

Addition from ABC Moscow:

On the 18th of May, another “Anarchist case” ended in Belarus – Yawgen
Vaskovich, Paval Syramalotaw and Artsyom Prakapyenka were each given 7
year sentences for a direct action against the KGB building in the city
of Bobruysk. A problem with this case has been that although media
perceived the three as anarchists, none of them had any connections to
the existing anarchist movement and thus attempts to contact someone
close to them and provide them with support prior to the court dates
failed. Hopefully, support may be provided during their lengthy prison


Forwarded by
Anarchist Black Cross Moscow
abc-msk A riseup D net
P.O. Box 13 109028 Moscow Russia


13 years 9 months ago

In reply to by

Submitted by Steven. on May 29, 2011

That's terrible news, solidarity


13 years 7 months ago

In reply to by

Submitted by S2W on August 18, 2011

English version of the documentary "Disregarding The Law" and "Anarchy.
Direct action. Impartial" version are now available in the internet. The
movies tell the story of the repressions of anarchists in Belarus in
september 2010 - may 2011.

Short description of the "Anarchy. Direct action. Impartial":

“The documentary was created in winter 2011 by ABC Belarus to cover the
repressions of the anarchist movement in Belarus from september 2010 up
to february 2011. The movie include the comments from anarchists,
Russian and belarus officials, human right activists. ”

part 1: (to see the subtitles
you should turn it on)
part 2: (to see the subtitles
you should turn it on)

Short description of the "Disregarding The Law":

“Anarchists were prosecuted in Minsk (Belarus). They've decided to stand
up against the system. They attacked the stronghold of bureaucrats and
don't want to deal with tyranny. Prosecutor demand for them from 5 to 9
years of imprisonment. The investigation process is commented by the one
who escaped from the country.” (to see the subtitles you
should turn it on)


You can help translating documentaries into different languages at

-"Disregarding The Law":
-"Anarchy. Direct action. Impartial p.1”:
-"Anarchy. Direct action. Impartial p.2”:



Forwarded by
Anarchist Black Cross Moscow
abc-msk A riseup D net
P.O. Box 13 109028 Moscow Russia