Manchester Class Struggle Forum - How can the Working Class fight back?

The next meeting of the Manchester Class Struggle Forum will be held on Wednesday the 6th of April, at 7pm in Rm4 of Friends' Meeting House, in Central Manchester.

Submitted by Manchester Cla… on March 30, 2011

'Following the big TUC Demo and targeted attacks on symbols of wealth in Central London, the student occupations, Town Hall sit-ins, and sporadic strikes etc how do we think we can assist the development of an independent class based movement across occupational and trade union boundaries that can be really effective against the government's and employers austerity measures?'

MCSF is a small forum initiated by individuals from the anarchist, libertarian, council and left communist political traditions but open to all interested in open and comradely discussion and practical co-operation. (see previous blogs on this site for some background).

Document 1 - Leaflet distributed in Manchester by MCSF, during last week's UCU strike.

Document 2 - 'Jobs, Growth, Justice: an alternative that isn’t', written by the German Junge Linke group.

All welcome.



13 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on March 31, 2011

Just note that this Wednesday meeting is the 6th of April.

Manchester Cla…

13 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Manchester Cla… on March 31, 2011



13 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on April 7, 2011

Only 5 of us at this meeting so our local leaflet, list circulation and the ad' here didn't bring in the massses.

We had a useful discussion covering both the negative and positive aspects of working class struggles in response to the current international austerity measures and have a first draft of a possible leaflet on the BA dispute which we may complete if the opportunity arises.

Unfortunately we had to conclude from the recent poor attendances at this years open meetings and the apparent discontinued support (for a mixture of practical and political reasons) of members of the local SolFed and AF groups, as well as changes in the local student political scene, that we would have to discontinue meetings for the time being, though we are open to restarting them if there is increased interest in future.


13 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on April 7, 2011

Well thanks for the report, sorry that you didn't get a great turnout!