Anarchist mixed martial arts fighter Jeff Monson discusses his life, politics and fight career in a recent documentary.

Jeff Monson.
For any fight fans or fans of Monson, there's a recent series of short interviews with Monson.
He starts out talking about his work in mental health prior to his professional fight career and goes on to discuss his three months work release in jail for political graffiti in Washington state.
In part five he expands on his political views and briefly what he considers anarchism to be.
Another interview from this
Another interview from this month, focusing on politics and some arguments with other MMA fighters.
Over an hour long.
Choccy wrote: Another
I prefer the podcast. Btw is he visiting the UK this summer?
Yeah the podcast interview is
Yeah the podcast interview is better.
Ae he's doing seminars in August. He's also competing at ADCC in Nottingham in Sept.
Choccy wrote: Yeah the
Cool get us a ticket.
Brian Stann has to be the MMA
Brian Stann has to be the MMA fighter equivalent of the GET A BRAIN MORAN guy.
Sad to see Monson lose to Cormier, but there's no shame in losing to an olympic wrestler who's half your age at that stage in your career.
While I'm at it if any
While I'm at it if any libcommers are going to the Takedown grand prix in Manchester PM me.
Aye Monson admitted
Aye Monson admitted beforehand that he would struggle to play his game with a wrstler of Cormier's calibre.
Won't be at Takedown mma but might be at Monson's Manc seminar.
Part two of his Carson's
Part two of his Carson's Corner interview up now.
Finally listened to the
Finally listened to the second part.
I'm sure most on here would pick holes in his arguments and the vague liberal streak. But given the audience he's likely to be exposed to and the predominance of pro-american military types (Brian Stann, Tim Kennedy and many many more) he's still a breath of fresh air in what's still a meat-head sport.
There's a new show at the minute that has UFC fighters (Phil Davis, Rich Franklin, Uriah Faber) doing US Marine's training courses and every 5 seconds it seems they say 'FIGHTING IS TOUGH BUT IT'S NOTHING COMPARED TO WHAT THESE GUYS DO EVERY DAY PROTECTING OUR FREEDOM'
It's nice to contrast this shite with Monson:
" what if we have a daycare... and every day a bully takes the cookies, or toys, from the other kids...and the only way he'll let them have their toys is if they give him their cookies or lunch snacks[...] that's what capitalism is"
Also see the UFC "fight for
Also see the UFC "fight for the troops" nights, constant appearances of marines on TUF, etc.
Yeah shit like that really
Yeah shit like that really makes him stand out. He gets so much shit on MMA boards.
I mean here he's explicitly talking about class and the importance of solidarity, advocating a general strike and saying 'ethical consumerism'/boycott politics are impractical for the working class. He's also doing free self-defence stuff at some anarchist bookfair in Portland.
Choccy wrote: He's also
Dont remind me, I couldn't attend because I had work that day. Fuckin hell Choccy. :x