A brief introduction to capitalism, class, and class struggle. Downloadable, ready-to-print PDF adapted from libcom.org's introductions. Includes graphics.

*a section on unwaged work has been added.
Original texts can be found here:
(2.72 MB)
(1.84 MB)
I just noticed a typo from
I just noticed a typo from the original: people who resisted imposition of wage labour suffering "deprecation" as opposed to "deportation". Sorry about that!
But thanks for doing this, it looks great. Any chance of doing an alternate version with the pages in consecutive order, for online reading and uploading that here as well?
Many thanks Jared!
I think this is really good.
I think this is really good. Would be good in print, perhaps with a couple more sections as 8 pages would make it a bit thin to sell.
Yeah, we're still working on
Yeah, we're still working on other sections.. so far we've only got the intro to direct action as well.. planning one on unions soon!
@ Steven: gutted I missed
@ Steven: gutted I missed that too! I'll change and reload? And happy to work with people to add sections in the future. Just PM me.
Eagerly waiting for the typo
Eagerly waiting for the typo to be fixed so I can print some out. Really nice work!
Just edited it and have
Just edited it and have uploaded. Waiting on the mods to ok it, then it's good to go. Will do a web one also.
Cool, and I've added the web
Cool, and I've added the web version now too (A4)
there is a sentence (in bold)
there is a sentence (in bold) in the introduction saying
which sounds odd. What does it mean?
We prepare a Slovak version of the text and have a hard time translating it so that it makes sense in the whole context of the paragraphs. Thanks for help in advance.
Basically it is saying that
Basically it is saying that we produce more in a day than is needed to reproduce our labour (i.e. stay alive and able to come to work again the next day).
You see what we mean? Thanks for translating this, please let us know when it is done!
yes, that is clear from all
yes, that is clear from all the other sentences except the one in bold;) anyway, thanks for clarification. the text will be published within a month I guess.
hi, there is a typo in the
there is a typo in the last sentence on the back cover - accumilation.
also, it sounds as though you are saying "how to struggle against working class", not capitalism, since the last noun before "it" is "the working class".
nice brochure. hopefully, Slovak translation will be put online sometime next week :)
Slovak translation: PDF RTF
Slovak translation:
Hey, would you be able to
Hey, would you be able to post that up here in our library in our Slovak language section? With the title and an introductory paragraph translated?
can try;) but later, perhaps
can try;) but later, perhaps also with some other publications
MT wrote: can try;) but
that would be great, we would really appreciate it!