As the EDL/BFP merger of fascists gathers pace, does it spell the end for the decaying carcass of the BNP?

The last week has been an interesting one for the far right. The EDL has merged (to a point) with the British Freedom Party. Whilst the idea of having a ‘street wing’ and a ‘political wing’ appeals to many EDL supporters, for some it is abhorrent.
The far right blogs, discussion forums, and social networking sites have been a hotbed for debate and discussion about this issue over the last few days. Well, they start off that way, but the in a typically fascist fashion, people are blocked or thrown off forums for disagreeing.
The British Freedom Party is reporting that they are struggling to cope with sheer volume of membership applications they are receiving from EDL members. With the BNP’s plummeting membership, due to Nick Griffins idiocy, the watering down of their policies, and financial shenanigans, there really is a gap in the market for the BFP/EDL. I suspect that many BNP followers will now drift over to the BFP as the see numbers rising from EDL members having dual membership. Is it beyond the realms of possibility that in a year’s time it will be the BFP that is the leading far right group in the UK? With membership numbers going in polar opposite directions fast, the perilous financial situation at the BNP, as opposed to the very successful merchandise thievery by Robinson, anything is possible.
EDL members are viewing this as a direct challenge to the BNP, and therefore do not support it, whilst others are pleased because the see the BNP as finished, and are looking for something new.
One of the other big issues seems to be the concern that they will split the far right vote if the BNP and BFP stand in the same area. They should not be overly concerned with this, as they would only be splitting 1.8% two ways in each constituency.
Many are welcoming being part of a ‘legitimate’ political party whilst still being able to participate in their favourite pastime of getting full of ale and threatening people in the street. This is a pastime which the BNP have tried to move away from over the last decade.
I can imagine Fuhrer Griffin being fuming at this. He has brought his party to close to the centre ground for most UK Nazi’s, and he may well pay with the death of his party. Or I may be wrong, and the BFP just turn out to be a flash in the pan. Either way, I will enjoy seeing them stabbing each other in the back as only fascists can.
As a side issue, have you noticed that as well as Pepsi, the BFP logo has striking similarities with that of the British Union of Fascists?
The following is an amusing clip re the merger
"in hoc signo vinces" on the
"in hoc signo vinces" on the logo means btw. "in this sign (of the cross) you will conquer" ... probably another sign for a growing proximity between the EDL and the christian right?!
Now I know we tend to refer
Now I know we tend to refer to Far-Right groups as Fascist even when we know they don't fall into that specific historical ideology/framework... but that combined logo above is one of the most 'Fascist' looking things I've seen come out of the British Far Right in a long time. Reminds me of some of the 'regalia' that Breivik was seen in. Food for thought.
EDIT: Just saw E's post above... so that's what the Latin says. It seems like the new Far-Right movements emerging in Europe have a very strong 'Christian' bias... even if it's in name only.
Hi Guys & Girls. Thought you
Hi Guys & Girls.
Thought you may like this.
It's all true you know.
if you go onto the Liverpool
if you go onto the Liverpool BFP page, there is a page entitled, 'books for patriots'
http://merseysidebnp LINK BROKEN (quite why the have bnp in the address is beyond me)
if you scroll down you will find the following book
http://booksforpatriots LINK BROKEN
Do the BFP endorse this book then?
Nice Guy wrote: Hi Guys &
Nice Guy
Perhaps you should have thought through that one a bit harder ;)
The EDL and the BFP do not like the BNP in the same way Tories do not like Labour. They are stealing their votes ;)
Arbeiten wrote: The EDL and
Since their policies are more or less the same bullshit, I think not... :P and isn't it all about stealing votes anyway? Not like there is some REAL change to be had at the ballot box.
I don't like the GDR at all, but at least they were honest about their one-party rule: Doesn't matter whether there is one party in the East or ten in the West, they all follow their respective directions without votes interfering with that in any meaningful way, so might as well have only one.
At least they didn't have the same delusions "western democracies" continue to have.
My point was that the BNP BFP
My point was that the BNP BFP are the same, so are Tory and Labour. I would say I prefer a single racist party, but thats a lie. I prefer them disorganized and incompetent.
Arbeiten wrote: My point was
Maybe not disorganised, always incompetent. As long as they're regurgating the most tedious examples of status quo, uniformed opinion and calling it 'revolutionary' they'll be balance in the world.
Interesting what Auto says
Interesting what Auto says about Christianisation of the far-right in Europe. This does appear to be a trend, as witness in France in early November when thousands of Christian fundamentalists demonstrated in Paris against "Christianophobia". Two hundred of them turned up outside a theatre to pray . Theatre de Ville, where a play was on that they judged as blasphemous. some of these had hurled excrement during a performance.
Later between 1500 ( the police) and 5,000 ( the organisers) assembled. The pouring rain soon dealt with this Christian zeal and only 200 turned up at the theatre for public payers again. This demonstration was organised by Civitas, which claims a thousand members and is very close to the Brotherhood of Pius X, founded in 1970 by the Catholic fundamentalist Mgr. Lefebvre.
These Catholic reactionaries continued their pickets of the theatre and have been reinforced by overtly fascist and racist groups like Renouveau Francais, Action Francaise and the GUD , sharing the slogan with the Catholic fundamentalists of "rechristianisation of France". So not surprising that we may see an increasingly Crhristianising tack taken by the EDL