A hilarious heroic ode to the massacre of the Kronstadt commune by British Trotskyist group Alliance for Workers Liberty (AWL), taken from their website.

Author: Sean Matgamna
We fight the sea at Kronstadt
Across the frozen, hostile, misted sea
To Kronstadt, to attack entrenched White Guards
Manning the garrison there, mysteriously
All-powerful, where once we could command,
Talking now to our own as we talked before:
Workers' control, soviet power (with no
Bolsheviks!), peasant rights—echoing the roar
From the countryside: impossible demands!
What could we do? Abandon the fort commanding
Petrograd? Call it off? Surrender? Give up
The workers' power, looming chaos notwithstanding?
No: we would take a stronger, firmer grip,
And fight to bridle History run amok!
We marched to conquer fortress Kronstadt;
Beating them as we beat the other Whites
(Who did not sound like us) wreaked bloody spite.
We marched to conquer Fortress Kronstadt:
Under their guns across the ice-clad sea
Went Congress delegate and soldier elite;
Their cannon smashed the ice on whih we stood;
The abyss opened under us; ice closed
Above white-sheathed warriors splashed with blood:
The ghostly camouflage, pale cloaks like clouds
We wore, did duty too for billowing shrouds.
After, when our bodies were reclaimed from the sacrifice,
The red still showed, frozen, in long coffins of ice.
S. O. 1990
"the most libertarian Trots"
"the most libertarian Trots"
To which Tuli Kupferberg of
To which Tuli Kupferberg of the Fugs would reply
We waited as long as possible for our blinded sailor-comrades to see with their own eyes where the mutiny lead. But we were confronted with the danger that the ice would melt away and... we were compelled to make the attack.
Leon Trotsky, Sochinenya, V, XVII: BK2, p.253.
We did not want to shed the blood of our brothers and we did not fire a single shot until compelled to do so. We had to defend the just cause of the labouring people and to shoot- to shoot at our own brothers...
Kronstadt Izvestia, March 8, 1921.
Will red love moan and kill herself?
And downfall grace to save her face?
And history nod to who was right?
And place these corpses in their place?
From Potemkin to Kronstadt
The wake of time has rolled
And grey has surfed to green and grey
Fell back again on gull black shoals.
The peasants of the Baltic Fleet
Take their slave life in their free hands
There is no bread in Petrograd
No golden sun in that lead land.
Across the ice the soldiers come
"Comrades, we are killing you!"
The ice is breaking! and each crack
Rifles us and shivers you.
Within the bay the heroes drown
Within the fort the heroes die
Blue beams of longing sweep the sea
Red screams of anguish slit the sky.
History will not speak
Heroes will not lie
Men who wanted love and life
Killed, were killed, and died.
I am glad this important work
I am glad this important work has come to wider attention. Further examples of Matgamna's verse can be found here: http://www.workersliberty.org/story/2011/05/01/confessions-tridentine-boy-and-other-verse
My personal favourite reads, in whole:
Matgamna is a worse poet than
Matgamna is a worse poet than Mao
ha was just about to upload
ha was just about to upload that horrific Matgamna incest poem.
setting up a political
setting up a political organization for getting my own poems published ... probably not a bad idea :-)
A fantastic poem. What's the
A fantastic poem.
What's the situation with the AWL at the moment? Any info from around the country?
(also, I'm reluctant to start a new thread but any info on the recent workers power split? Maybe I can take a look at the Weekly Worker if they have the article on the net)
Zero wrote: (also, I'm
Yes it is - see here
In other news, former libcom.org poster and member of SolFed has resigned from CPGB and been denounced in quite vindictive terms. One of the attacks was that his background in anarcho-syndicalism possibly influenced his resignation, where it was insinuated he never got the politics of the group he joined. lol.
Long standing libcom.org posters and users will know who I am referring to.
Android, cheers for the
Android, cheers for the link.
(Also, I should have asked about this in the Trotspotting thread.)
Weekly Worker:
I didn't know that propaganda group was a term the Trotskyists used.
I really wish there was more hostility demonstrated by anarchists towards Leninist groups on the streets. Anarchists love banging on about the EDL, what about having more of ago at the Trots?
Funny, I
Funny, I thought...funny...
Not that interesting
Not that interesting AWL:
Gor blimey gov! Afed Throw a
Gor blimey gov!
Afed Throw a Tantrum.
One perspective on the
One perspective on the objections to Sir Alan Meale at Nottingham Mayday:
Nottingham Indymedia Mayday
Reading his again, this seems
Reading his again, this seems really goddam offensive. Jesus, trots have shit politics
Allow me to present a
Allow me to present a rebuttal
To Kronstadt, to attack alleged White Guards
While in the streets workers waved crude placards,
They manned the garrison there, mysteriously
Where we used to sneer imperiously
There demands Workers' control, soviet power
And stop nicking are bloody flour!
What could we do? Abandon the fort
After losing the cities support?
With it state power, given to the revolting masses?
Let them win and we'd lose our conference passes!
No: we would take a stronger, firmer grip,
And bail out, our battered sinking ship!
We marched to conquer fortress Kronstadt;
Beating them as we beat the real Whites
before they could show the world we were hypocritical shites.
We marched to conquer Fortress Kronstadt:
Under their guns across the ice-clad sea
Taken full advantage of their naive mercy
Went Congress delegate and soldier elite;
In that order too (when in retreat)
Their cannon smashed the ice on which we stood;
After we repeatedly spat on their attempts at brotherhood
After, when our bodies were reclaimed from the sacrifice,
Our Commissars were to busy indulging in vice
To notice the coffins of ice.