Report: Combating workfare in Liverpool

A brief report on the Liverpool workfare action on Saturday 3rd March

Submitted by working class … on March 5, 2012

Members of Liverpool SolFed and AFed participated in an action against workfare on Saturday 3rd March.

Around 75 activists gathered and marched into the Centre of Liverpool. We first targeted WH Smith, only to be told by the store manager that we were, ‘A health and safety risk’, and we were, ‘preventing workers going about their business’

We stayed for around half an hour. This was long enough to get a variety of speakers on the megaphone and to engage with a ‘generally’ receptive, public. It also gave the Trots long enough to get out their past tables and petitions.

We then walked to Tesco but were prevented from entering as security has already called round to warn shops regarding our presence. We moved onto a very busy McDonalds, and again had a variety of speakers.

Our final target was Holland and Barrett’s. As we all crammed into the tiny shop, several private security guards followed us in and started filming us with a video camera in an attempt to intimidate us.

All things considered it was a good day, good attendance, many leaflets handed out, and positive engagement with the vast majority of the public.

A more detailed report can be found here.




13 years ago

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Submitted by Steven. on March 6, 2012

Good work


13 years ago

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Submitted by Arbeiten on March 16, 2012

nice one guys, missed this first time round. great video.


13 years ago

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Submitted by plasmatelly on March 16, 2012
