Greece: Anti-fascist rapper stabbed to death by 25 neonazis

Greece: Anti-fascist rapper and metal worker was stabbed to death by 25 neonazis on the night of Tuesday 17 September in the Keratsini area of Piraeus.

Submitted by Perseus999 on September 18, 2013

Pavlos Fyssas, a 34 year old antifascist and hip hop artist (Killah P), was murdered by Golden Dawn neonazis in Keratsini, a working class neighborhood in Piraeus.

From eye-witness report: "Around 24:00 a group of 15-20 fascists, wearing black t-shirts and military pants and boots, was deployed on P. Tsaldari street. During that time, Killah P was walking with his girlfriend and another couple when he was spotted by the fascists shouting "what are you looking for here, you know there is no place for you in this hood". The fascists hunted the two couples down P. Tsaldari street towards Gr. Lampraki avenue, where from another street, a new group of around 10 fascists came out and surrounded the guys. At that time, a car drove opposite in an one-way street, stopped, the driver came out and stabbed Killah P once in the heart and once in the abdomen (the stabbing on his abdomen had an upside-down "L" shape).

The whole scene took place in the presence of DIAS motorbike police, that only afterwards and only as soon as most of the fascists had already dispersed, arrested the murderer (according to some witnesses Killah P while still in shock kept pointing at the murderer and this is how the cops arrested him - a 55year old holding a knife, described by other eye-witnesses as a known Golden Down associate). The ambulance took 35 minutes to approach and Pavlos was pronounced dead at Nikaia general hospital."

A call for a gathering on the spot of his assassination was made for today, Wednesday 18:00, on 60, P. Tsaldari street (from Athens, via public bus B18 from Ralli-Salaminas, or Γ18 from Gr. Lampraki, from Piraeus via public bus 824 or 826). There are also calls for demonstrations in Thessaloniki: 10:00 in the teachers demo, 16:00 in Physics dept. in AUTH university campus, 18:00 demonstration from "Kamara" on Egnatia street. In Mytilene, Lesbos island, 18:00 on Sappho square, in Patras, 10:00 on Olga square, in Larissa 10:00 in the 1rst Lyceum and 10:30 in the teachers' demo, in Komotini and many other towns there also demos on 18:00.

It is hardly surprising that the Greek police once again did nothing to prevent Golden Dawn nazi violence (Golden Dawn is largely supported by the Greek capitalists, the government and the church, as a willful thug against militants, workers and the poor, and more than half of the police vote for this openly neonazi party) if not actively participating in or covering the organisation of what looks as a death trap for a well-known radical, member of the metalworkers union and antifa hip-hop artist in a working class district, near the spot where a few days ago 8 members of the communist party (KKE) were also brutally assaulted by Golden Dawn nazis.

It is hardly surprising the silence of all the mass media, that are kept alive due to the government's vast loans and benefits, that either decided to mention the assassination as a "fight after an argument about football" or to not mention it at all. They are the same mass media that promote every misanthropic Golden Dawn activity as an "opposition to the system's flaws", and lately as a realistic government partner for the future. They are of course the voice of their owners, the same few families of capitalists, owners of a shitload of shiptanks, banks and hotels that support the right-wing government and its thuggish little counterpart on the streets, the Golden Dawn, in what they see as a Golden opportunity to get rid of workers rights and turn Greece into a proper labour camp under the nationalist and religious kitsch.

It is worth noticing that this is a hard time for the government and their nazi counterparts, as even after their full scale assault on anarchists, squatters, and workers' struggles, the movements seems to find again its momentum, with the current struggles of the teachers, the hospital workers etc.

Some additional info can be found in twitter: @antireport, #antireport, #KillahP

This is one of his songs roughly translated as "I won’t cry, I won’t fear"


The world has become a big prison
and I 'm looking for a way to break the chains.
There is a place waiting for me,
there at a high mountain peak for me to arrive.
That's why I stretch again my two hands very high,
to steal some light from the bright stars.
I cannot take it down here and I’m about to choke from
this human misery, as much as sorrow.
I cannot stand it anymore and all these people were not from me,
so I followed another path and not the one they forced me to.
It was rough, tough and with many pitfalls,
bad love and friends like venomous vipers.
It had monsters with strange uniforms
always secretly lurking in the shadows.
Don’t stop if you decide to follow it,
tighten your teeth firmly and do not cry.
I took it myself and reached its end
and as the old wise people write in books
when the sun reaches its end,
eagles will light a fire from above.

To those who betrayed me by back stabbing me I want them to know that
I will not bother to cry.
And to all my old loves I want them to know that
I will not bother to cry.
And to those that threatened me burning chains I want them to know that
I will not bother with fear.
Let them come and find me at the mountain top, I’m waiting for them and
I will not bother with fear.

They told me not to have “crazy” dreams,
not dare to look at the stars,
but I 've never took them seriously,
I took the whole world in my arms.
They want nowadays to build me a nest,
where there 's more fear, ugliness
and a moaning cry and a heavy chain ,
carrying the curse of the gods and blasphemy.
I will not shed a tear and I will not be afraid.
I will not let them steal my dreams.
I fly free, high, very high
while they are jealous of my proud unbound wings.
And I’m waiting for other brothers to come here
in this mountain peak waiting for them all,
as long as they don’t cry and fear
living in this well thought fraud.

To those who betrayed me by back stabbing me I want them to know that
I will not bother to cry.
And to all my old loves I want them to know that
I will not bother to cry.
And to those that threatened me burning chains I want them to know that
I will not bother with fear.
Let them come and find me at the mountain top, I’m waiting for them and
I will not bother with fear.

To those who betrayed me by back stabbing me I want them to know that
I will not bother to cry.
And to all my old loves I want them to know that
I will not bother to cry.
And to those that threatened me burning chains I want them to know that
I will not bother with fear.
Let them come and find me at the mountain top, I’m waiting for them and...


Chilli Sauce

11 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Chilli Sauce on September 18, 2013

Jesus Christ, that's terrible.

I presume there hasn't been much response from the cops?

Any coverage in the mainstream press?


11 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Shorty on September 18, 2013

Bit more info:

Noah Fence

11 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Noah Fence on September 18, 2013

I always put forward the idea of trying to understand why people develop disgusting ideas and behaviours and I have known active fascists completely change their views and become deeply regretful and ashamed of their actions but when I read this my immediate reaction was these fuckers need to be destroyed.


11 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Steven. on September 18, 2013

Hey Shorty, thanks for that additional info: I have edited it into the article itself. Do you have a source for it? So I can credit it in the article?


11 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Shorty on September 18, 2013

I got it in an e-mail from a greek friend with no link but I guess it's from occupiedlondon. I've asked for a source to credit it, so I'll edit my post above when he replies.

Additional reports:


11 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by RichL on September 18, 2013


Thanks for uploading an accurate account, not like the 'fight after an argument about football' 5hit we have been fed by the media. Acknowledge it is a cowardly attack by thugs/criminals and sort them out properly. This neo-nazi crisis needs sorting out now, and yet it doesn't get sufficient coverage to allow the world to see the real crisis gripping Greece!


11 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Sinburner on September 18, 2013

Well... this put a downer on the day eh? I'm going to see if I can help get the story out

Chilli Sauce

11 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Chilli Sauce on September 19, 2013

Found some pictures from the protests online. I'm continually amazed at the amount of red and black flags I see in Greek demonstrations (although as far as I'm aware, there aren't any organised anarcho-syndicalist groups in the country, are there?).


11 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Shorty on September 19, 2013

Looks like fascists and police working together during protests over Pavlos Fyssas' death.


Black Adder

11 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Black Adder on September 19, 2013

Solidarity action with him and Ukrainian anarchist


11 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by wojtek on September 19, 2013

Can anyone confirm this comment on a Vice article?

...the female police officer who arrested the murderer of KIlah P while her other colleagues were drinking coffee and not giving a fuck, has been suspended from her job for miss using her fire arm and for not obeying the orders to not get involved...


11 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by wojtek on September 24, 2013

Aris FC fans - "Football will be played with the heads of the nazis. RIP Killah P"

Noah Fence

11 years ago

In reply to by

Submitted by Noah Fence on September 28, 2013

Golden Dawn leader arrested


11 years ago

In reply to by

Submitted by wojtek on October 12, 2013

A short documentary by film-maker Ross Donomey on the days following the murder of Killah P: