The workers demand the minimum wages to be sixteen thousand taka

Garment Workers 'Rights Movement urges Ashulia to stop' suppression of oppression 'on garment workers and Tk 16 thousand for workers' minimum wages. This demand was made from a solidarity rally in front of the National Press Club in Dhaka, Bangladesh. (Note: TK. 16,000= $200 per month only, that means per day only about 6 U$D.)

Submitted by akmshihab on March 25, 2018

In the gathering, Professor Anu Muhammad demanded the formation of a wage board for the garment workers in the garment factory and the minimum wage is 16 thousand taka. He said, garment industry is enriching the economy. And its workers' wages are below the poverty line. No worker's wages can be below the poverty line.

Anu Muhammad said that the use of special power law was made in the fearful environment of Ashulia. There the workers who are not getting proper wages, garment workers are being kept in the garbage, those workers are being arrested, detained, and remanded. He urged the government to stop the arrest, remand and harassment of workers in Ashulia.

Hamida Hossain, convener of the Labor Security Forum, said, as soon as possible, the problems of the workers of Ashulia should be resolved.

The rally was to be held in front of the National Museum in Shahbagh. But it was not allowed to do so. Taslima Akhter, the chief of Garment Workers' Solidarity, condemned by saying that why the workers who are keeping the country's economy in front of them cannot stand in the Shahbagh for their fair demands ?

The rally demanded immediate release of arrested workers and withdrawal of cases against them. in Different gatherings, The leader-workers of the labor organization and unity forum have given solidarity speech. BAN-members participated and contributed to organize-mobilized garments workers to successful of the meeting.

BAN, strongly believe that in the traditional so called workers party based movement will not free the working class, because still they are following authoritarian approach. To expediting the anarchist movement in the industrial zone and spreading the Ideas of Solidarity, Direct action and self-organizing. BAN Producing and distributing propaganda materials .



6 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on March 25, 2018

Thanks and interesting

What the BAN opinion of the NGWF and other
garment unions?

Have been in contact with NGWF since early 1990s
They seem to have gone through many changes over the years


6 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on March 28, 2018

Any feedback comrade?


6 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by syndicalist on April 3, 2018


Any feedback comrade?