One dimensional woman - Nina Power

One dimensional woman - Nina Power
One dimensional woman - Nina Power

Exposes the dark heart of contemporary cultural life by examining pornography, consumer capitalism and the ideology of women's work.

Submitted by Anonymous on March 14, 2012




12 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by jura on March 17, 2012

Thanks for this!!


12 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by fjones on March 20, 2012

Nina Power rocks!

R Totale

4 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on July 6, 2020

Did a piece for the Spectator of all places on incels recently too. It's a shame, because when she was good she was really good.


4 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by wojtek on July 7, 2020

Also Spiked. The ex-left transphobic feminist dollar must be a high performing one for the Barclay & Koch brothers.

R Totale

4 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by R Totale on July 7, 2020

God, I'd not seen the Spiked one, although I suppose as an ex-left contrarian who's ended up writing for the Spectator it would be more surprising if she managed to avoid writing for Spiked as well. The past decade has not been a good one for a lot of people, but there is something really quite sad about going from being someone as interesting and sharp as the author of One-Dimensional Woman to bobbing around in Brendan O'Neill's cesspit.

Although if I take my sad disappointed glasses off and put my bitter absurdist ones on, I think there is something really quite funny about Power's current "defend JK Rowling and incels!" line. Imagine:
"Oh no, it seems like everyone's angry at me since I said all that stuff about trans people. :("
"Cheer up, not everyone is angry at you. It is I, noted feminist author Nina Power, here to stand up for you!"
"Wow, that's great, thanks!"
"Yes, I feel that you're being misrepresented and unfairly persecuted, just like the poor incels."
"Thank you - wait, what?"
"I'm here to say that we need to ditch all this trendy gender identity nonsense, and get back to proper old-fashioned woman-centered feminism, the kind that was all about defending the rights of real proper women. And also about supporting viciously, hatefully misogynist men, for some reason."
"Umm... OK?"


4 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by jura on July 13, 2020

*sad noises*