Women and sex in China - Flora Chan On gender roles. inequality and sex in China in the 1970s. Text from Revolt Against Plenty where it formed part of the "China 4" page.
Wayward Notes on Feminism: A little bit of backwardness? - Stuart Wise On French surrealist writer and poet Annie Le Brun, via some recent books, Blake, De Sade and Engels…
Revisiting Sex and Class On a gender-fluid childhood, May 68, women's lib, radical gays and Lesbians, identity, #MeToo, and a bit more: an interview with Lola Miesseroff…
Fascism and the Women's Cause: Gender Critical Feminism, Suffragettes and the Women's KKK While the links between the anti-trans moral panic and the far-right are well…
Queerphobia in Vietnam Is queerphobia in Vietnam a mere product of colonialism, and does it matter? See also the video version by veritas et caritas here.
Class Struggle and Gender Trouble Leaflet distributed by the CWO at protests around the Gender Recognition Act (GRA) happening around the UK last year.
Queer Fire: The George Jackson Brigade, Men Against Sexism, and Gay Struggle Against Prison A collection of histories, speeches, and interviews with members of The George…
Conducta Impropria - Improper Conduct [video] Documentary interviewing many refugees from Cuba, most were denounced as homosexuals and sent to the infamous forced labour battalions based in…
Stonewall Means Riot Right Now: What the Queer Uprisings of 1969 Share with the George Floyd Protests of 2020 Many of us are reflecting on how today’s struggles against police and white…
Marxism and Sexuality Contradictions at the heart of the capitalist mode of production affect human relations at the level of the superstructure. The ideological,…