L.L. Men (sometimes LLM or L.L.M.) was a Hong Kong-based left communist who in the 1980s corresponded and debated with at least the International Communist Current, Communist Workers Organization, and the Communist Bulletin group. The book-length "Two Texts For Defining the Communist Programme" is comprised of two texts: "The Nature of the 'Socialist' Countries: A Politico-Economic Analysis" and "Russia: Revolution and Counter-Revolution (1917-1921). This is the Chinese-language version.
First off, if you notice the
First off, if you notice the file is missing -- sorry! I've added it but now this is in the moderation queue.
Also, it would be a great help if somebody could put the correct Chinese title(s) into the post, or at least as a comment. The best I can come up with is "共產主義政綱及綱頜界說二篇"
Not quite sure what you're
Not quite sure what you're asking, but anyway it's 共產主義政綱及綱領界說二篇 . (ie, 領 , not 頜 . )
Thanks! That's just what I
Thanks! That's just what I had in mind -- getting the Chinese title into libcom so people can find it that way.
Under his own name rather…
Under his own name rather than an alias, LLM later also authored 《「紅」色的轉折—蘇聯東歐變局》, which is online at online at https://www.marxists.org/chinese/reference-books/liurongjin-1992/index.htm .