Class War on: working class fight back against Liverpool heroin dealers, Handsworth riot, Why I Hate The Rich, Guardian smears Class War, report on disastrous Bash The Rich march on Hampstead, Labour Party, hunting, Class War circulation up to 15,000, Some Wimmin Use The Sisterhood Like The Masons Use Brotherhood, Fuck SPUC (anti-abortionists), etc.

Scan courtesy of Splits and Fusions archive.
Class War- Working Class Strikes Back.pdf
(11.16 MB)
An amusing strike against…
An amusing strike against recuperation.
posh twats we ain’t to be…
Is this irony or farce?
Perhaps CW repeats itself -…
Perhaps CW repeats itself - first time as irony. Second time as farce?
That story is good though.
That story is good though.
Fozzie wrote: Perhaps CW…
That's good. I was going to ask you how to do a hyperlink, as I have learnt it is called, but I asked the Mrs and she showed me.
I've read it now. On first glance I thought it was satire. I'm now told by the Mrs that Ian suffers from Parkinsons. Wish I was Jesus and could wave a magic wand to help.
It is a good story in the face of so much bad "news".
Class War (GB) caricature…
Class War (GB) caricature the working class more than authentically express our true culture. S'pose we can't all have the literary means to truly describe what we see and are. Who says "innit" anymore?