Czech anarchist on attack on him: 'I will not be intimidated'


New text by Lukáš Borl about what happened on February 8th

Submitted by Thunderbird on February 12, 2025

In the past, I have published an extensive analysis of how specific individuals and groups try to isolate me, attack my private life, they’re threatening my safety and sabotage the Anti-militarist activities I engage in. One of the examples given was a description of how a member of the Trhlina infoshop and the Anarchistická federace (Anarchist federation) told a friend of mine that I was at risk of a strong reaction from militant anti-fascists. In other words, the person from Trhlina and the Anarchistická federace was threatening me. At that time it was not yet clear whether the threat would come true. Now it is clear. On Saturday, February 8, 2025, I was physically attacked by one such militant anti-fascist in Prague’s Club 007.

What happened?

The attacker waited until most of my friends had left the club, followed me into the toilets, where he punched me several times in the face. No, I’m not surprised he chose such an insidious method. I’ve seen so much scheming from his cronies that I expect nothing but meanness, unscrupulousness and hypocrisy from them now.

Before “Mr. Hero” physically attacked, he also tried to “explain” to me in a few words that I should not oppose the defense of Ukraine. He did not give me any chance to express my arguments as to why I do not support the defence of Ukraine or the defence of Russia, the defence of the Czech Republic or the defence of any other state. I am an anarchist, therefore I fight against all states. Against fascist states, as well as democratic, stalinist, monarchist…

Instead of defending Ukraine – that is, a particular state and its regime – I prefer to support and defend the working class living on Ukrainian territory, because on the one hand it is now being massacred by Putin’s invasion, on the other hand it is being subjected to persecution and repression by the Ukrainian government, as well as to severe exploitation by Ukrainian capitalists.

I think explaining something like that to the person who attacked me would be pointless anyway. I doubt he would understand the basic gist of it. It wasn’t the first time he’s shown me that he has a strong penchant for harsh macho posturing but lacks serious political analysis.

I can’t keep quiet

I think it’s important to talk openly about this incident in public. It is a concrete example of the hypocrisy of those who spread statements on the Internet in which they style themselves as innocent victims who are being harmed, while in reality they are inciting and supporting aggression against opponents from the anarchist milieu.

I won’t hide the fact that I was shaken by this incident. I really felt a lot of frustration, anger and a sense of helplessness. But I soon processed these strong emotions. Thanks, among other things, to the people who stood up for me, gave me the emotional support I needed and reassurance that I was not alone in this.

Even though I know there are legitimate reasons to use violence against some people, I don’t feel like retaliating right now. It’s just that, just as a cornered animal can bite hard to get out of danger, I suppose I might act the same way in a similar situation. I’m not a pacifist, and I know there are times when one’s bare hands are not enough to defend oneself. Anyone who attempts to attack me and/or my friends again in the future should be aware of this.

My black eye and the pain in my face will certainly fade with time, but my willingness to support anti-war activities will remain. I’m sure of it. Whoever attacked me may not realize it, which is why it’s important for him and his macho crew to read this: I will not be intimidated! What happened that night only makes me want to continue on the path I’ve set out on.

For those who also want to follow this path, I would like to recommend supporting the fundraising for deserters and war refugees organized by the Anti-Militarist Initiative (AMI).

I also recommend getting the publication Voices from Ukraine. In these publications, the anarchist collective Assembly from Kharkiv illustrates the positions of revolutionaries living in a place where war is raging.

Read this in English

Read this in Russian



1 month ago

Submitted by westartfromhere on February 13, 2025

Perhaps this is just us but this altercation seems utterly detached from the inter-bourgeois slaughter and consumption of military commodities ongoing around the globe in reaction to proletarian uprising.